Title: | 橋梁資訊系統 Bridge Information System |
Authors: | 張文奐 Chang, Wen-Huan 林昌佑 Lin Chang-Yu 土木工程學系 |
Keywords: | 資料整合;關聯式資料庫系統;即時顯像;開放式資料庫連結;data-integrated;RDBMS;real-time;ODBC;OpenGL |
Issue Date: | 1996 |
Abstract: | 資料整合為整合規劃、設計、施工及營運的基礎。本研究以關聯式資料庫系統的理論模式 建立一套橋梁結構的元件資料庫,並利用現今的資訊科技實際建構一套軟體系統,以使橋 梁的生命週期中所涵蓋的資料能獲得一有效的處理及運用。圖形顯示為橋梁資訊系統構建 的主要部分,利用電腦圖學的技術,以即時顯像的方式提供一空間索引,如此即可以視覺 化的方式對資料庫內的物件進行各種操作。同時經由此動態的實體模型,可使各單位的使 用者對其設計、施工或維護之橋梁能有更直覺的認識,並由整體工程的觀點作全盤的考量 。本研究透過開放式資料庫連結的方式操作各種異質性資料庫系統,以在保持資料的安全 性的前提下完成各種資料的共享,並使研究的成果可作為整合橋梁資訊的基礎工具。 To integrate the necessary information during planning, design, construction and operation, the technique of relational database system is applied to establish a database of bridge structure. Within the life cycle of bridge this information can be effectively dealt with and exerted. To make more effectively usage of the information system, graphical accessing technique appear to be the important of the system. Computer graphics technology is used to provide space index in real time display, so user can access of exercising database in a visualization way. Meanwhile, this dynamic representation can make different users have more instinctive knowledge about the design, construction or maintenance in view of complete process. This research utilized open database connectivity concept to operate non-homogeneous database system, and safety is also in consideration when sharing the information. The effort of research can be the fundamental tool of integrating bridge information. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/61423 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |