標題: 即時稀回逆搜尋技術在軸承工業排程問題的應用
Real-Time Backtrackingless Techniques for Scheduling Problems in Bearings Industry
作者: 謝瑞鈞
Hsieh, Jui-Chun
Liang Gau-Rong
關鍵字: 稀回逆搜尋技術;製程流排程法;限制理論;專家系統;滾珠軸承;Backtrackingless techniques;Process Flow Scheduling;Theory of Constraints;Expert System;Bearing
公開日期: 1996
摘要:   本研究提出即時稀回逆搜尋技術來處理軸承工業中的排程問題,這些 技術基本上是從三個常見的排程原理中得到的。這三個排程原理分別是: 製程流排程、限制理論以及專家系統。起初,先從物料清單、加工路徑資 料單以及可獲得的設備構建出軸承的產品製程圖,接著再透過產能分析找 出瓶頸設備的位置。構建在瓶頸設備的排程會擴散到其他非瓶頸設備上, 在每一設備的排程擴散中所使用的技術可以減少回逆搜尋的次數。此外, 在這個即時回授的方法中可觀測到現場瓶頸漂移的現象。 Real-time backtrackingless techniques are proposed to attack the schedulingproblems in bearings industry. Those techniques are essentially derived from three popular scheduling philosophies: process flow scheduling, theory of co-ntraints, and expert system.Initially the process-product structure of bearingsis contructed from the given bills of materials, routing table, and availablemachines. Then its bottleneck machines are located through capacity analysis.Next the schedules constructed on bottleneck machines are propagated to othernon-bottleneck ones. Within the propagation of schedules for each machine, thederived techniques are used to reduce the number of backtrackings. Also one observed phenomenon of the real-time feedback approach is the transposition ofbottleneck machines on the shop floor.