Title: | 網際網路服務供應商經營策略分析 Stretegic Management and Decision Analysis of Internet Service Providers |
Authors: | 吳宏敏 Wu, Hung-Min 藍武王 Lawrence W.Lan 運輸與物流管理學系 |
Keywords: | 網際網路;網際網路服務供應商;Internet;Internet Service Provider;ISP |
Issue Date: | 1996 |
Abstract: | 隨著網際網路(Internet)商業化的應用日益普及,全球之用戶數 正急速增加,了 滿足使用者上網需求,於是產生了一個嶄新的行業-網 際網路服務供應商(Internet Service Provider,簡稱ISP,其主要提供 企業及一般民眾連接上網際網路之服務)。 因此,充分瞭解Internet使 用者及ISP特性將有助於ISP業者擬定適當之經營策略。本研究以文獻評析 、問卷調查、訪談等方式,調查Internet使用者及ISP市場特性,以區隔 ISP市場,並探究各區隔市場中ISP之優勢/弱勢及機會/威脅,配合SWOT分 析法,研擬各區隔市場ISP經營策略,最後運用模糊AHP結合專家學者及業 者之意見評選經營策略。研究結果將ISP區隔為兩種類型:第一型業者具 有基本網路骨幹,其經營策略之優先 順序大致上為加強網路科技及功能 、本土化與國際化並重、創新行銷、與競爭者合作等; 而第二型業者無 基本網路骨幹,其經營策略之優先順序大致上為整體化網路服務、與相關 產業合作、代理經銷、組織同業聯盟等。 Recently, the number of Internet users has been drastically increasing dueto the popularity of the commercial application of Internet. To meet the need of users, a new service - Internet Service Provider (ISP), whose main service is to provide enterprises and the public to use Internet, is developed. Therefore,realizing the characteristics of Internet users and ISP will help the providers to develop proper operation strategies. This research investigates the characteristics of Internet users and the ISP market through a questionnaire survey. The ISP market is then segmented and the strength/ weakness,opportunities/threats for each segmented market are analyzed.Operation strategies for each market are developed using SWOT analysis. Finally, fuzzy AHPis employed to combine the opinions of specialists, scholars and providers to decide the appropriate operation strategies.The result divides ISP into two types: Type I providers have backbone network framework, and the priority of their operation strategies is to enhance the network technology and functions, emphasize both on localization and internationalization,innovate marketing and cooperatewith competitors,etc.Type II providers do not have backbone network framework,so the priority of their operation strategies is to integrate network services, cooperate with relative businesses, agent selling, and organize trade alliances, etc. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/61530 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |