標題: 公車駕駛員工作壓力量表之設計與測計-以大有巴士、福和客運為例
A Design and Test on Job Stress Inventory of Bus Drivers - Taking Da-you and Fu-he Bus Company as an Example
作者: 徐聖智
Hsu, Sheng-zhi
William Jen
關鍵字: 公車駕駛員;工作壓力;壓力;工作壓力量表;壓力量表;Bus driver;job stress;driver stress;work stress;job stress inventory
公開日期: 1996
摘要: 大部份研究大眾運輸的論文是從顧客、主管機關或管理者的角度,然 而站在第一線上為顧客提供運輸服務的駕駛員更攸關到運輸服務的品質與 績效,不應受到忽略。公車駕駛員比其他行業從業人員有著更高的罹病率 、缺勤及離職率,這些多與工作壓力有關。工作壓力不僅傷害公車駕駛員 個人的身心健康,也可能會造成與乘客之間的衝突而影響服務品質。然而 壓力是一個含糊且複雜的構念,欲進行公車駕駛員壓力的實證研究常缺乏 一個可操作的工作壓力量表。本研究的目的在發展可供操作的公車駕駛員 工作壓力量表,並對大有、福和的公車駕駛員進行測試分析。 本研究 有系統地回顧會影響公車駕駛員身心健康與績效的相關變項,特別是公車 駕駛員的特殊工作情境的因素,再對公車公司管理人員與駕駛員訪談後, 推演出工作壓力模式的研究架構,包括九個工作壓力來源(工作時間、對 工作上物理環境的感受、對工作上心理環境的感受、與同事關係、與站長 關係、公司組織與結構、家庭與工作互動、生涯與成就、薪資獎金)、七 個工作壓力反應或結果(工作滿意、身體健康、心理健康、缺工、病歷、 工作績效、工作傷害事故)、十個調節變項(性別、年齡、年資、教育程 度、婚姻狀況、A/B型人格、內外控傾向、生活事件、駕駛員個人常使用 之抒解壓力方法、公車公司應使用之抒解壓力方法),並根據此架構發展 出公車駕駛員工作壓力量表,此一量表曾與兩位心理諮商老師討論,並且 經過試測及正式施測,顯示量表具有高度的信、效度。 此一工作壓力 量表曾以普查方式對大有巴士與福和客運共624位駕駛員進行問卷調查, 主要的分析結果如下:一、公車駕駛員嚴重的工作壓力來源如休息時間太 短、噪音與空氣污染 嚴重、路上的交通狀況擁擠、底薪太低等,造成 嚴重的工作壓力反 應或結果如對公司解決衝突的方式、休假方式、福 利待遇、工作保 障與工作時間不滿意,身體軀幹酸疼,腹部不舒服, 頻尿,疲倦, 與工作時注意力不能集中等。二、調節變項所造成的差 異,主要是A型人格特質,外控傾向,年齡在 30歲以下,年資在20年 以上,教育程度為大專畢業以上或七堵站 等這些屬性的駕駛員有較大 的工作壓力。三、建構工作壓力來源與調節變項對工作壓力反應或結果的 十六個共變 異影響模式。四、有較大機率造成嚴重工作壓力反應或結 果的發生者,為知覺到工作 壓力來源嚴重,A型人格特質或外控型控 制傾向者。 本研究發現對公車駕駛員職業環境的要求很多,例如每天 工作時間太長、休息時間太短等等,而其職業環境的資源卻很少,以致呈 現不平衡狀況,而產生壓力。在抒解壓力方面,因為其環境的要求可減少 的很有限,因此只有設法提供更多的環境資源,本研究分別從政府主管機 關、公司、站長以及駕駛員個人可以提供的資源提出建議,不僅期望能減 緩要求與資源的不平衡情況,還希望能使公車駕駛員有更好且滿意的工作 環境。 The effective analysis and treatment of stress is an important aspect of human resource management if we adopt a "bottom up" approach. City bus drivers suffer higher health risks, striking levels of absenteeism and medical disability that may be related to occupational stress. Job stress not only causes the illness with health but also causes low quality of service in mass transit or to their customers. However, stress is a rather vague and complex concept, the empirical studies have generally lacked a detailed practical inventory. Develop an appropriate job stress inventory for measures of job stress among bus drivers has become a critical issue. After reviewing related literature and interviews with the managers and drivers, we formulated a conceptual framework of job stress of bus drivers, including 9 stressors( the length of working hour, physical and psychological tolerance, peers' relationships, relationships with top level, company's system, interaction between families and works, career and achievement, salary and merit pay), 7 responses or results of stress ( job satisfaction, physical health, mental health, absenteeism, case records, work merit, work accidents ), and 10 moderators ( sex, age, working seniority, level of education, marital status, type A/B personality, local of control, events of life, stress management of drivers and company ). The data of questionary survey from 624 drivers was conducted to test the relationships of those variables. After the analysis of the reliability and validity of the questionnaire, the results are as follows:1.The serious parts of stressors ( such as shortage of rest, serious pollution of noise and air, traffic congestion, lower base pay ) cause job unsatisfaction, poor condition of body and mentality ( such as unsatisfaction with solving conflict, vacations, welfare, illness of abdominal region, frequent urinating, weary, negative concentration etc.).2.The difference causes by moderating variables. The drivers belong to type A personality, internal control tendency, below 30 years old, working exceeding 20 years, over-qualified educational employment, or Chi-Du terminal have serious job stress. 3.The 16 covariance models of the effect of stressors and moderators on responses or results stress are be formulated.4.The higher probability of serious stress are caused by serious stressors, type A personality or internal control tendency. We find out that there are too many demands in occupational environment of bus drivers such as heavy volume from work; but there are too little supportive and encouraging resources. The demands and resources become a serious unbalance status , therefore cause their job stress. In stress management, there are few demands can be reduced, so we can only add more helpful resources to provide an overall stress management for government organization, bus company, head of many terminals, and drivers. We expect not only can it decrease the unbalance situation, but to increase a better and satisfying job environment.