標題: | 我國電腦網路製造產業關鍵成功因素研究 The Study of Key Success Factorsof Computer Network Business Units in Taiwan |
作者: | 陳友忠 Chen, Yu-chung 袁建中 Benjamin J. C. Yuan 科技管理研究所 |
關鍵字: | 關鍵成功因素;分析層級程序法;成長策略;Key Success Factor;Analytic Hierarchy Process;growth strategy |
公開日期: | 1996 |
摘要: | 經由分析層級程序法(Analytic Hierarchy Process)的問卷設計及對 國內業界經營階層進行實地訪談所得,本研究完成了國內電腦網路製造業 的績效變數及經營要素對績效貢獻度的量化分析及排序工作。依經營階層 績效目標追求的差異,我國業者共可分成兩大集群。其中成員占多數(7 成6)的均勻成長群,因除新產品及新市場乙項變數外的其他四項指標權重 皆約略相等,故屬性較具有穩定中求成長的特質。反之,另外一群則因極 度重視銷售,且無暇論及社會形象及員工照顧的責任。因此,本研究是以 積極擴張群稱之,其屬性較具成長優先的特質!兩群雖都追求成長,但在 成長策略上則不一致,均勻成長群是較著重在既有產品市場的擴張與維護 ,而積極擴張群則是傾向藉由替代產品顛覆既有產品市場策略,以達成迅 速擴張的目的。 依研究所得,我國網路產業的關鍵成功因素,全部皆 屬事業自身構面要素,依次分別是行銷與售後服務、研究發展的投入、人 才的能力與培訓、生產規模與彈性及產品線完整性等共計五項。其中又以 前二項的行銷與售後服務及研究發展的投入因累積權重已超過20 %,更是 關鍵中的關鍵,值得所有業者特別費心與經營。若再進一步以群別層次進 行檢視時,則除了上述五項事業自身構面要素外,二群將再另外增加的乙 項要素,則分別是產業環境構面的同業競爭態度(均勻成長群)及替代產 品(積極擴張群)。 By via of a questionnaire in format of AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process), and along with interviews to the managers, this study had quantified and ranked the performance contributions of operating factors(OFs) and performance measuring factors (PMFs) of the computer network business units in Taiwan. Although growth is common goal, according to the PMFs* data, this industry can be classfied into two groups. Due to a uniform weighting among the rest four PMFs, the first group has been named as a UGG(Uniform Growth Group) and prefer a strategy of growth by expanding and maintaining the existing product market. On the other hand, the 2nd group, with a > 60 % weighting ratio in sales and a nil weighting in social responsibility, is named as FGG(Fast Growth Group), and prefer a growth strategy by substituting new products for existing market. This study also extracted the KSFs(Key Success Factors)for the following three groups:1.The whole industry group: 5 KSFs belonging to business dimension*s activity had been identified , which are R&D, Marketing & Services, Employee Training, Mass Production & Flexibility and Product line Integrity.2. UGG:In addition to the whole industry group*s 5 KSFs, one more industry dimension*s factor - attitude of business rivalry also been included.3.FGG:In addition to the whole industry group*s 5 KSFs, one more industry dimension*s factor - substitutive product been included. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/61628 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |