標題: 廢棄物清除公司的轉型策略-以SZ公司為例
The Strategic Repositioning of a Waste Cleaning Company-The Case of SZ Company
作者: 張吉男
Po-Young Chu
關鍵字: 廢棄物清理;產業價值鏈;創新價值;企業轉型;disposal and treatment;industrial value chain;value innovation;industry reposition
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 環境保護產業是許多人所看好的二十一世紀明星產業,但由於市場的競爭、經濟環境的轉變與政府政策的制訂,使得未來的環保產業充滿著變數與挑戰。廢棄物清理業是現今在台灣的環保產業界中重要的一環,由於牽涉到清除業與處理業,所以在產業複雜度上較一般環保產業高。由於清除業與處理業兩者並非一體,在供應鏈及價值鏈上兩者亦非處於對等關係,清除業往往只是輔助處理業完成廢棄物清理產業鏈上的一個單元而已,因此在產業環境有著巨大改變時,清除業該如何改變才不會在廢棄物清理業中被邊緣化,是值得探討的。 在台灣探討廢棄物清理業管理研究的論文並不多,本研究以SZ公司(為一家感染性廢棄物之甲級清除公司)為主體,藉由探討台灣之環境保護產業的起始及相關法規規定到廢棄物清理產業的現況,並以感染性醫療廢棄物清理產業為例,引用五力分析架構、SWOT分析與企業生命週期及不同的商業模式分析,藉以突顯清除業在此環境下若不能利用現有的資源提出適當的具有價值創新的轉型策略,在未來微利時代中將難逃被取代的命運。 另一方面並藉由對SZ公司現有客戶群中篩選具有影響力的人士及政府機關主管,藉由專家訪談的模式來瞭解未來產業的趨勢及顧客的需求,並提出SZ公司(清除業)的轉型策略,利用現有的清除優勢提供客戶資訊化平台,物流平台及擴展客戶全方位的整合性清除服務,應是SZ公司可能成功的轉型策略。
While environment protection industry is a star industry in the 21st century, the market competitions, changes in economic environment and evolving government policies create challenges for the industry in the future. Waste disposal and treatment are two important activities in Taiwan’s environment protection industry. The two sectors involve higher complexity than the other activities. They also play different roles. They are not equally positioned in the supply chain. Waste disposal often plays only an assisting role in the whole industry. In Taiwan, there aren’t many research studies focusing one these two domains. The research takes SZ Company (an A-graded disposal company which handles infection medical waste) as an example to illustrate the development of Taiwan’s environment protection industry, its related regulations, and an overview of current disposal and treatment analysis. By conducting a SWOT analysis, their life cycles and different business models to show SZ Company’s competence and incompetence in the industrial value chain. It also points out the disposal function with low margin will be quickly replaced, if it can’t mobilize its current resources to create additional value via repositioning strategy. On the other hand, several influential customers and government officers were interviewed in this field to project the trends in the industries and the unfulfilled needs of their customers. Based on the research, the company’s transformation strategies were drawn: it should utilize its disposal competence to transform itself into an information / logistics platform, thus to create a one-stop complete disposal solution provider.
Appears in Collections:Thesis