DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorKuo-Chen Kuoen_US
dc.contributor.authorDr. Tzong-Yau Chuen_US
dc.contributor.authorDr. Fu-Song Linen_US
dc.description.abstract摘要 藍芽無線通訊技術是一種短距離的無線個人區域網路技術,主要在2.4GHz 頻段可即時傳送數據資料與語音訊號,自1994年發展迄今,在語音應用方面已累積相當豐富之經驗。 本研究對象為台灣藍芽無線通訊產業之系統廠商,研究架構則依據 David A. Aaker策略分析架構及Michael E. Porter的成本領導、差異化、焦點化等三項一般性競爭策略理論,藉此探討關鍵成功因素對競爭策略選擇及執行之影響。 依據本研究結果,台灣藍芽無線通訊產業之系統廠商若選擇成本領導策略時,其應具備之關鍵成功因素強項,主要應集中在生產及品質方面;此外,重要程度特別優先的關鍵成功因素則包括在生產及品質方面之產品良率控制能力、規模經濟之優勢、零件採購能力、全面成本控制之能力等項目。 若選擇差異化策略時,其應具備之關鍵成功因素強項,主要應集中在研發及技術方面;此外,重要程度特別優先的關鍵成功因素包括在研發及技術方面之持續產品創新,及業務行銷方面之產品特色及差異化、顧客滿意度、產品差異化能力等項目。 若選擇焦點化策略時,其應具備之關鍵成功因素強項,主要應集中在研發及技術方面;此外,重要程度特別優先的關鍵成功因素則包括在業務行銷方面之明確的市場區隔與專精、顧客服務與產品支援能力、及產品的發展方向正確等項目。 綜上,台灣藍芽無線通訊產業系統廠商在確認本身之關鍵成功因素後,即可參考本研究結果,選擇較合適之競爭策略;其次,可檢視該競爭策略所包含重要程度較高之關鍵成功因素,針對本身目前仍尚不足之關鍵成功因素予以補強;最後,亦可針對該競爭策略所包含重要程度較高之策略執行項目予以優先規劃實施,藉此鞏固企業持久性之競爭優勢。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract The bluetooth wireless communication technology is a kind of short distance wireless personal area network technology, which can transmit data and audio signal immediately in 2.4GHz frequency band. Developing so far since 1994, abundant experiences on data and audio transmission applications have already been accumulated quite quickly. A system-product and module-product manufacturer of the bluetooth wireless communication industry in Taiwan has been chosen as this research targets. The analytical framework of this research is based on David A. Aaker’s strategy analysis model and Michael E. Porter’s competitive strategy theory, which categories strategies as cost leadership strategy, differentiation strategy and focus strategy. The purpose of this research is find out the impacts of key success factors on choices and implementation of Hi-Tech firm’s competitive strategies in Taiwan. According to the findings of this research, a system-product and module-product manufacturer of a bluetooth wireless communication industry in Taiwan, when choosing the cost leadership strategy, its key success factors should concentrate on production and quality aspects mainly. The top priority key success factors include the superior ability of production yield rate control, the advantage of economies of scale, the superior ability of component procurement ,and the superior ability of overall cost control. When choosing the differentiation strategy, its key success factors should concentrate on R&D and technology aspects mainly. The top priority key success factors include the sustaining products innovation of the R&D aspect, the superior characteristic and differentiation of products, the higher customer satisfaction, and the superior ability of products differentiation of the sale and marketing aspect. When choosing the focus strategy, its key success factors should concentrate on R&D and technology aspects mainly. The top priority key success factors include the clear and definite market segmentation and concentration, the superior ability of customer service and product technique support, and the appropriate direction of product development. To sum up, the system-product and module-product manufacturer of a bluetooth wireless communication industry in Taiwan has been confirmed as its own key success factors, consulting a result of this research, can choose the relatively suitable competitive strategy. Secondly, reviewing the higher priority key success factors in selected competitive strategy can strengthen the insufficient key success factors at present. Finally, also having priority to plan the implementation of the detailed action items of this selected competitive strategy, thereby can consolidate the sustaining competitive advantage of the enterprise.en_US
dc.subjectbluetooth wireless communicationen_US
dc.subjectkey success factoren_US
dc.subjectcompetitive strategyen_US
dc.titleThe Impacts of Key Success Factors on the choices and implementation of Hi-Tech Firm’s Competitive Strategies in Taiwan----- An Example of Bluetooth Wireless Communication Industry in Taiwanen_US


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