標題: 業務人員專業核心職能與新客戶開發之研究—以商用套裝軟體產業為例
The Study of the Core and Profession Competency of Salesman and the Potential customers’ development – a case study of Commercial Package Software Industry
作者: 李安東
Antung lee
F.S. Lin
關鍵字: 職能;業務人員;商用套裝軟體;新客戶;Competence;Salesman;Commercial Package Software;Potential customer
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 軟體產業在國家計畫中,曾有工業局主導的國家軟體產業五年計畫,目的再資訊硬體產業蓬勃發展的同時,帶動資訊軟體產業。隨著國際大環境的變動,中國市場的興起,軟體產業仍有一些突破。但衡諸國際級的軟體公司如微軟,思愛普,甲骨文等等,國內商用套裝軟體業的行銷業務人才,仍有長足進步的空間。 自1970年哈佛教授McClelland提出Competency的觀念以來,絕大多數的研究都環繞在管理職能或是核心職能。然而對於以行銷和研發主導的軟體產業來說,目前國內的研究還不是很多。而業務人員卻占有相對重要的戰略地位,在與客戶的接觸的銷售循環中,與業務績效相關的諸如產品、價格、品質、競爭對手、相容性、平台等等因素中,業務人員素質的良窳佔有關鍵性的影響因素。 商用套裝軟體產業與資訊硬體產業最大的不同在於專業的要求占有相對高的成分,所以特別需要投入大量的專業訓練和產品訓練,以因應客戶日益複雜的軟體功能需求。針對商用套裝軟體產業業務人員的職能研究,可以了解是否其職能需求迥異於其他產業,進而協助未來軟體產業人資或部門主管,針對業務人員招募與甄選、薪資與獎酬、訓練與發展、績效與管理、接班人計畫,甚至業務人員的生涯規劃、組織變革及日常管理。基於以上的研究了解,本研究建立我國資訊商用套裝軟體業的業務人員專業核心職能與新客戶開發之研究。 經由本研究確認在績效評比中,新客戶開發將重於舊客戶維持,人際類職能將重於態度類與專業類職能,企業應針對這些主要影響因素給予業務人員相關的教育訓練等之協助,例如:培養新客戶開發能力、團隊合作的精神、學習如何有效的溝通與表達技巧、利用人際網絡與利害關係人建立起有效的關係等。
The software industry in the national plan, once had the national software industry five years plan which the Industrial Development Bureau Ministry of Economic Affairs led, goal again information hardware industry vigorous development at the same time, led the information software industry. Along with the international big environment change, Chinese market starting, the software industry still had some breakthroughs. But weighs the various international levels software company like Microsoft, SAP, and ORACLE and so on, the domestic commercial software industry marketing service talented person, still had the space to be improved. Since 1970 Harvard Professor McClelland proposed the Competency idea, the majority research all has surrounded in the management function perhaps the core function. However regarding sells and the research and development leadership software industry said that, at present the domestic research is not very many. But the service personnel actually holds the relatively important strategic status, in with in the customer contact sales circulation, with the service achievements correlation such as in product, price, quality, competitor, compatibility, platform and so on factor, the service personnel quality is good holds the crucial influence factor. The commercial software industry and the information hardware industry is biggest differently lies in the specialized request to hold the relatively high ingredient, therefore specially needs to invest the massive specialist training and the product training, by in accordance to customer day by day complex software function demand. In view of the commercial software industry service personnel's function research, may understand whether its function demand different to other industries, then the assistance future the software industry person will help or the department manager, will recruit in view of the service personnel with to select, the salary and the prize reward, the training and the development, the achievements and the management, the successor plans, even service personnel's profession plan, organization transformation and daily management. Understood based on the above research that, this research establishes our country information commercial software industry service personnel specialized core function and the new customer development research. By way of this research confirmation in the achievements comparison and appraisal, the new customer development again to the old customer maintenance, the interpersonal kind of function again to the manner class with the specialized kind of function, the enterprise will be supposed to aim at these major effect factors to give the education and training which the service personnel will be connected assistance the and so on, for example: Raises the new customer development ability, the team cooperation spirit, how studies the effective communication and the expression skill, the use interpersonal network and the formidable sponsor establishes the effective relations and so on.


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