標題: | 汽車銷售人員的個人特質以及業務流程行為及銷售表現關係之研究-以某汽車公司為例 Relations of Personal Traits, Sales Behaviors, and Sales Performance of Automobile Sales Personnel: The Case of An Auto Company |
作者: | 楊喻名 Yu-Ming Yang 王耀德 鍾燕宜 Yau-De Wang Yen-Yi Chung 管理學院管理科學學程 |
關鍵字: | 個人特質;業務流程;銷售表現;汽車產業;業務人員;personal traits;sales behaviors;sales performance;automobile industry;salespersons |
公開日期: | 2007 |
摘要: | 本研究欲探討業務人員個人特質與業務流程行為及銷售表現三者間之關係,以某汽車公司做為研究對象,期望以實證方式來找出關鍵職能指標,並進一部驗證其對業務人員落實業務流程及銷售績效的影響,共計發出120份問卷,扣除資料缺漏及新進人員問卷,最後有效問卷為65份。個人特質分成內控程度、成就感、自信心、積極性以及人際了解五項特質;業務流程行為則分成顧客開發流程、銷售行為流程以及售後服務流程三階段;銷售表現上分成個人酬賞(細分每月收入及業代等級)及個人績效(細分銷售量、續保招攬量及維護招攬量)兩項。
階層迴歸分析發現:業務人員的成就感以及自信心對業務流程行為的三階段均具有正向影響力,而人際了解主要對售後服務行為的落實有助益,然而業務人員積極度愈高時,所表現出的業務流程行為卻愈少。個人特質中僅成就感對每月收入、業代等級及續保招攬有正向助益,而人際了解與業代等級呈現負向關係,業務流程行為與續保招攬亦為負向關係。研究結果指出並非所有的正向個人特質對工作執行及工作表現均為正向影響,另外業界普遍持有遵循一定的業務流程對銷售會產生助益的認知在研究中未獲證實,且亦可能產生負向影響。後續研究可進一步找出更具預測性的關鍵變數或探討是否有其他變數干擾了本研究的結果。 The study examines the relations of personal traits, sales behaviors and sales performance of salesperson. Questionnaires were sent to 120 salespersons of an automobile company located in central Taiwan. Sixty-five questionnaires provided data for analysis after excluding the imcomplete ones and those from the newly hired sales. The personal traits examined include locus of control, achievement orientation, self-confidence, positivism, and interpersonal understanding. The sales behaviors include new customer prospecting, selling-process behaviors and after-sales service. Sales performance comprises two parts: the attained personal reward (including monthly income and position ranking) and the achieved job performance (including sales volume and re-insurance volume and returned maintenance rate). The results from regression analyses show that self confidence and achievement orientation have positive effects on all three different sales behaviors and interpersonal understanding has positive effect only on the after-sales service. Greater positivism of the sales is associated with less manifestation of sales behaviors. Achievement orientation is the only personal trait that is associated with monthly income, sales position ranking, and re-insurance volume. Interpersonal understanding is negatively associated with sales position ranking. Sales behaviors are negatively related with re-insurance volume. Nevertheless, not all the personal traits are related with sales behaviors and sales performance. Unexpectedly, the results fail to confirm the commonly held belief—a positive relation between sales behaviors and sales perfromance. Future studies can be conducted to examine whether personal traits other than those examined in this study are associated with sales behaviors and sales performance. An issue needs further exploration is why a negative relation between sales behaviors and sales performance of automobile sales persons. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/62057 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |