Title: | 個人電腦關鍵硬體組件發展因素之分析 The Factor analysis of Key Component Developed in Personal Computer |
Authors: | 羅煥倫 Luo, Hwan-lun 唐明月, 林君信, 許通安, 呂學錦 Tang Ming-Yueh, Lin Chun-Hsin, Hsu Tung-An, Lu Hsueh-Ching 管理科學系所 |
Keywords: | 個人電腦;電腦硬體;技術;效能;市場發展;Personal Computer;Hardware;Technology;Efficiency;Market Development |
Issue Date: | 1996 |
Abstract: | 近年計算機功能進步來源已由電腦架構設計的創新轉為組件技術的改良。 個人電腦的開發至今才十五年,發展的速度越來越快,它也帶動了整個產 業與市場結構的改變。現今市場的個人電腦是由許多組件所組成,各組件 的技術與市場特性都不盡相同,發展歷程也不一致;本研究希望透過對個 人電腦快速進步的原因-關鍵組件的技術因素,以及在市場上效率、效能 資料的整理能對個人電腦有更深的了解,另外對我國大多數非關鍵組件廠 商提出建議。本研究除對個人電腦的產業特性分析外,在技術方面係針對 各組件的技術內容與發展過程之整理分析;而對市場性的效率、效能分析 資料係選自1992年至1996年間國際電腦雜誌期刊之電腦系統與組件價格。 分析結果,獲得以下結論:1. 組件廠商除受個人電腦發展影響外,尚需 對組件之技術、市場、價格等特性深入分析。2. 技術衝擊將破壞原有廠 商市場地位,廠商應除現有產品的改良,應特別強調新技術、功能的突破 。3. 個人電腦價格未隨功能進步而提昇之特色,可提供各組件廠商作為 產品企劃、市場分析的依據重要參考之一。 Over the years, the improvement of key components dominated the development of computer, rather than the modification of computer architecture. The development speed of personal computer has exceeded people's expectation for the past fifteen years. The whole market of computer industry is driven by the novel design of current personal computer. At the present time, the personal computer in the market is composed of several components. Each component has its own technology and market- related characteristics. The development trend is also different for each one. The goal of this thesis is to analyze the rapid development of personal computer from each constructing component. Several suggestions for civil company in the computer industry are also purposed.We get these conclusions, 1. The component will be affected by computer development . Except computer development, the vendors should deep analyze its technology, market and price individually. 2. The break- through technology will rewrite the market rule. The vendors should not only improve the old products, but also research the new technology and product.3. The price of personal computer remains the same when the power enhances is interesting characteristic of this industry. The vendor should remember this when they make plan for new product. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/62167 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |