標題: 網路通訊產品公司維修人員績效評估
Evaluating Repairmen Performance of A Communication Product Company
作者: 陳進富
Jin Fuh Chen
Fuh-Hwa Franklin Liu
關鍵字: 資料包絡分析法;績效評估;維修人員;Data envelopment analysis;Performance evaluation;Service/Repair technician's
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 現今網路通訊產品的生命週期縮短,維修庫存品週轉率需提高,建立一套客觀、合理、快速、有效的維修人員績效評估方法,藉以提升維修人員的績效,來滿足客戶需求、提升公司形象及客戶對公司產品的忠誠度,並降低維修的庫存品。 本研究主要以資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis 簡稱DEA),對台灣一家網路通訊產品公司之16位維修人員的績效數據做實證分析研究。藉由本研究結果顯示,此方法可改善舊有主觀性的尺度、量表、評量標準不一致問題,與評核者主觀認知差異問題,並將所得分析及結果,提供改善及調整。 採取DEA的方法,可藉其評量方式之一致性而得到較無爭議的評估結果。盼此研究能夠對其他網路通訊產品公司維修人員之績效評估作業,提供另一項模式的選擇。並藉此,擴展至相類型產業或組織加以應用,為其最終目的。
This research uses Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to evaluate the performance of Service/Repair technicians in a manufacturing firm which produces communication equipment. Based on the data, this study demonstrates an improved and adjusted method. Currently, the most common evaluation method used for Service/Repair technicians’ performance evaluation is the interactive performance-evaluation charts. In our research, we not only adopted this evaluation methodology but also incorporated DEA methodology. Using this combination, we are able to solve problems associated with subjective evaluation and to achieve a more objective evaluation result. In believe our research will offer an alternative to communication equipment firms in evaluating their Service/Repair personnel. Ultimately, we would hope to extend this evaluation methodology into different industries or companies with different organizational structures.


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