標題: 提昇捷運系統乘載率之策略研究
A Strategic Study for Promoting the Occupancy of Rapid Transit
作者: 黃育仁
Huwang, yu-jen
Chen Chun-Liang
關鍵字: 策略規劃;SWOT
公開日期: 1997
摘要: 本研究採用程序性策略規劃中最常見之SWOT分析方式,建立以策略目標 、策略情境分析、策略研擬為主體之單一捷運路線運輸市場分析架構,以 提昇捷運淡水線乘載率為策略目標,分析其在外部情境的機會與威脅,在 內部情境的優勢與弱勢,以探索捷運淡水線之機會(Opportunity)、威 脅(Threat)、優勢(Strength)、弱勢(Weakness)等四種策略因子, 最後再透過SWOT矩陣研擬出SO、ST、WO、WT等配對策略。 本研究之研究結果可分成以下兩點: 1.總體策略研擬 本研究所研擬之策略程序上可分成三個層面,第一層面鞏固基本客源中的 提昇高面額儲值票使用族群的市場。第二層面開發新市場中的規畫車站特 色,結合鄰近之名商圈,開發工作日離峰時段假日之購物、休閒旅次。並 善用媒體報導正面性訊息,引起乘客注意。第三層面擴展市場範圍中的公 車與捷運系統的妥善分工,必要時捷運公司自行以巡迴小巴士輸送車站鄰 近大型社區之通勤旅次。加強宣導定點通勤者採汽、機車轉乘的好處。 2.策略情境分析 主要分成外部分析與內部分析兩種策略情境。在外部分析中:捷運公司在 運輸市場上的主要面臨四種競爭力的威脅,包括供應商議價力量、客戶的 議價力量、現有公司間的競爭、替代品的威脅;在運具定位方面,行車時 間、便利性與舒適性三個因子同質性較高,意即乘客對三個因素的感受上 差異不大,而安全性因素在乘客心目中的捷運系統與其它運具不具同質性 ,可能因捷運系統為新型態交通工具,乘客對其具有疑慮,或亦因捷運木 柵線時聞故障之影響。在內部分析中:在車站分類方面,第Ⅱ、第Ⅳ類型 車站平均每日進出站人數最多,其車站特色為周邊商業使用強度高且公車 乘發達;第Ⅰ類型車站周邊住宅強度不高,大多為外來旅次居多;第Ⅲ類 型車站腹地小,車站特色為周邊商業使用強度低且公車轉乘不發達,為四 種車站類型平均每日進出站人數最少之車站類型;在目標市場特性方面, 以旅次目的為上下班、上下學,使用儲值票,全家平均月收入為四∼十萬 ,年齡為18歲以下或46歲以上的子市場其一星期平均使用強度上最高。 This research adopts the most seen analysis of SWOT. To establish strategic object- ives, strategic situation to be a single main part of analysis structure of rapid transit system line, to promote the occupancy of transportation for Tan-shui line to be strategic goal. Analy- zing outer situation's opportunity and threat , inner situation's strength and weakness. Fin- ally, throughout SWOT matrix to develop SO、ST、 WO、WT four pair strategy. The result of this research can be separated into two point :1.Overall strategy stimulationThis research can be divided into three parts. The first one is to solid the basic cust- omer to use high value savings. The second one is to develop the character of new markets planning to combine neighbor famous business surrounding, developing shopping and tra- vel times out of work. Using media to report positive news to attract passengers. The last one is to open marketing range of bus and rapid transit system assignment. In necessary, a rapid transit company to send their bus to transport passengers who live in the large nei- ghbor community. Enhancing advertisement the advantages for the non-resident students who take the bus or motorcycle in the same place.2. Strategic stimulation analysisIt can be divided into inner and outer analysis of two strategic situation. In outer analysis : A rapid transit company focus four competitions threat in the transportation mar- keting, including suppliers' negotiation strength, customers' negotiation strength, companies competition, replace products' threat. In the transit tools, the three factors : the time of driv- ing, convenient and comfortable have similar quality. It means that passengers feel all of the- se three factors are not different quality than the other transit tools. It would be a rapid transit system is the new transit tool style, the passengers double it, or it is because a Mu-zha line often has problems. IN inner analysis : for the aspect of station classify, typeⅡ and typeⅣ station, the average of the passengers are higher than the other stations. The character of sta- tion is to use higher for the business around the station and it is also prosperity for the feeder bus . TypeⅠ station residence strength is not high around the station, most passengers are from the other places. The hinterland of TypeⅢ station is very small, the character of station is not to use higher for the bus around the station and it is also not prosperity for feeder bus, TypeⅣ station, the average of passengers is lower than the other type ; in the aspect of obj- ective marketing character, work and school trip purpose, using savings, the income of the whole family is between forty thousands and one hundred thousands, the age are under 18 years old or above 46years old and its other marketing average using frequency is the highest for one week.