標題: 以習慣領域理論探討國內北高航空客運市場之行銷契機
Applying the Habitual Domains Theory to Explore the Marketing Niches for Taipei-Kaohsiung Air Passenger Transportation Market
作者: 朱昌彥
Chu, Chang-Yen
Chang Hsin-Li
關鍵字: 習慣領域;北高航線;航空客運市場;行銷;模糊;結構關係模式;Habitual Domains;Taipei-Kaohsiung;air passenger transportation;marketing;fuzzy;LISREL
公開日期: 1997
摘要: 北高航線為現今國內最大的航空客運市場,為了因應其內有業者間 激烈競爭,外受高鐵、飛安事故、政府政策等影響之急遽變動的整體經營 環境,本研究將眼光重新回歸到最基本的消費者層面,利用習慣領域的行 為心性理論,對旅客選擇搭機的評估屬性、認知程度與個別差異等做徹底 的探討剖析,從中發掘契機與利基,以提供制訂確具競爭力的行銷策略之 所需。 研究方法上,本研究首先結合行銷學、運輸學與習慣領域及相 關的文獻,提出「運具選擇行為決策動態模式」的基本架構,次而再發展 以習慣領域、認知經驗、旅次特質、社經背景、價值觀驅力、航空站驅力 、航空公司硬體、航空公司軟體等因素構面所建立的「旅客習慣領域系統 結構概念模式」作為實證部分問卷設計與研究之模型依據,隨後進行為期 一週的面訪調查。分析工具上,本研究則兼考慮人類語意的基本模糊性與 事件型態的偶然隨機性,應用模糊數學、抽樣理論與統計線型結構關係模 式的技巧,以回收之問卷資料對先前所提的旅客習慣領域系統結構做衡量 與驗證。 最終的結果,本研究除了將北高航線旅客習慣領域系統結構 模型之各構面做深入的剖析,並進一步利用行銷的「重要-績效」二維圖 形分析法,同時引證相關的學理,由前述之各驅力構面中攫取行銷契機及 提擬在票價、班次、通路、形象塑整與政府政策等方面的建議策略。 The corridor between Taipei and Kaohsiung is the largest domestic airpassenger transportation market in Taiwan. This market has being highlycompeted among airline companies under such a changeable environment whichis sensitive to the impacts of air traffic accidents, the coming highspeed railway, and government policies. In order to explore the marketingniches ,a conceptual framework is then developed based on the theory ofHabitual Domains in this study to analyze the travel behavior of airtransportation passengers. Following the established conceptual framework, a survey throughface-to-face interviews with air passengers was conducted in Taipei Airportto collect required data for empirical study. Fuzzy set theory and LISRELmodel technologies are then applied in this study to measure, confirm andanatomize the habitual domains of air passengers in the corridor betweenTaipei and Kauhsiung. Finally, a two dimensional analysis of "Importance-Performance" was also conducted to find the marketing niches. Based on thestudy findings, some marketing strategies related to pricing, scheduling,imagery shaping, as well as government policy making are suggested.
Appears in Collections:Thesis