Title: 企業競爭力與產業創新系統之關聯性研究-積體電路產業之實證
An Empirical Analysis of Firm's Competitiveness and Industrial Innovation System - A Case Study of the IC Industry
Authors: 黃吉榮
Huang, Chi-Lung
Joseph Z. Shyu
Keywords: 關鍵成功因素;產業創新系統;積體電路產業;策略群組;Key Success Factor;Industrial Innovation System;IC;Strategy Group
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: 摘 要 本研究擬以Porter的鑽石體系與Carlsson的技術系統作為產業創新系統之研究構面, 分析其與產業關鍵成功因素之間的關聯性。在產業競爭力研究方面,本論文利用Hope 與Hope的「產業價值鏈策略群組分析墦n在關鍵成功因素之研究方面,我們發現全球積體電路產業可分為「產品領導導向」、 「營運效能導向」、「親密顧客服務導向」與「多元化經營導向」四大策略群組,並 根據此策略群組歸納整理出22項之關鍵成功因素。 在實證我國產業策略群組關鍵成功因素與產業創新系統之關聯性研究中發現:以我國IC產 業的發展為例,在產業萌芽期,我國廠商主要以「營運效能導向」為主,其所需之產業關 鍵成功因素包括:製程掌握能力、規模經濟能力、產品良率控制能力全面成本控制能力等 共八項,在此時期中 在產業成長期中, 我國廠商除了在「營運效能導向」外,還包含「親密顧客服務導向」 此一策略群組。而 所需之產業關鍵成功因素包含顧客長期關係的掌握、顧客導向的產品 設計與製造能力等 四項,在此時期中政府所實施之政策工具,除了在「資訊服務」此一 政策工具明顯不足 外,其餘之政策工具皆能配合產業關鍵成功因素所需之產業條件,故此時期我國IC產業產 值的供獻率從1%成長至3.6% Abstract The past ten years have witnessed a rapid growth of Taiwan's integrated circu it(IC)industry. Among various factors contributing to the growth, national innovation systems and technology development have been attributeto the key fa ctors. While there has not been any systematic analysis of critical responsibl e for the growth. It's the propose of this essay to ascertain the critical fac tors.In this essay , we assumed that alignment of firm's core competence with industrial key success factors(KSFs)is the pivotal factor for firm's competi tiveness and growth. The roles of national innovation system are to help firms strengthen their alignment with the industry's KSFs. As a result,the key issu es in this essay that we intended to address are to identify critical correlat ion between IIS and KSFs so that the goverment and firms can work as a whole t o strengthen their national competitiveness. Using survey data and statistical analysis,there are four strategic groups in the IC industry, namely," Product Leaders", " Operational Excellence", " Customer Intimacy", and " Diversificat ion", and there are 22 KSFs Correlations between KSFs and IIS are obtained usi ng the Delphi method from the same group of experts are.The results show that the successfulness of the industrial development depends on the strengths of f irm's KSFs, which in turn are determined by both government's innovation polic y and industrial innovation system. It is those policies that help establish i ndustry's KSFs, and strengthen industrial structure, and contribute most to th e successfulness of industrial development.
Appears in Collections:Thesis