標題: 我國半導體產業競爭優勢 -積體電路製造廠商經營策略之探討
The Competitive Advantages of Semiconductor Industry In Taiwan ---A Study On Business Strategy of Integrated Circuit (IC) Manufacturers
作者: 羅美珍
Lo, Mei Chen
Chun-Yen Chang
Benjamin J.C. Yuan
關鍵字: 垂直整合;垂直分工;整合型元件製造公司;晶圓專製;晶圓代工;經營策略;Vertical Integration;Vertical Disintegration;IDM;Foundry;IC;Business Strategy
公開日期: 1997
摘要: 中文摘要: 台灣的IC製造業在短短的十多年中﹐從零到為全球第四大IC製造國﹐其傑 出的獲利能力及生產製造的競爭力使其在歷經1996、1997兩年的IC產業景 氣低潮﹐尚能持續的成長。 這種優異的表現使國內IC製造業者的經營策 略成為一個重要且有趣的研究主題。 有鑑於此﹐本研究即針對各IC製造業者經營策略的共同點與差異之處作一 探討﹐其中垂直分工的趨勢、國際策略聯盟、與上下游相關產業聯盟、靈 活的資金運用及智慧財產權的重視﹐皆為各IC製造業者經營策略的共通點 。 同時﹐藉由市場、人力、技術、資金及其他影響產業發展之因素﹐來 對此一技術與資金密集的高科技產業﹐在競爭力的影響上作一比較。 並 對於未來台灣IC業者經營策略的走向作些建議﹐以供各廠商及相關機構之 參考。 本研究同時以國內各IC製造廠商經營管理階層作為研究樣本﹐利用問卷調 查來收集各種因素影響IC製造業的經營策略程度的資料﹐以作為本研究的 參考與佐證。 ABSTRACT: Taiwan has the fourth largest IC manufacturing industry in the world, it takes no more than two decades as Taiwan developed its own IC manufacturing industry from nothing. Though the IC industry faces the global downturn in 1996、1997, Taiwan keep growing fast with its outstanding competence in profitability and production capability. To study the business strategies of local IC manufacturers is a very interesting and important subject to understand why Taiwan outperforms the rest of the world. This study explores business strategies of Taiwan's IC manufacturers both in common and the differences. The common strategies of local IC manufacturers include vertical disintegration 、strategy alliance in global、vertical alliance in IC industry、flexible capital raise and investment and IP( Intellectual Property) awareness. The factors, such as market、 manpower、technology、capital etc.﹐which affect the competitivity of this high tech and capital intensive industry are discussed. This article also makes some suggestions for the future strategy trend of local IC manufacturers and summarized the poll results from every local IC makers as the reference and supporting data.
Appears in Collections:Thesis