標題: 臺灣電信業行動加值服務應用與發展策略研究
Research on Application and Development Strategy of Taiwan Mobile Value-Added Service
作者: 鄭一平
Yiping Cheng
An-Pin Chen
關鍵字: 行動加值服務;策略;mobile value-added services;strategies
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 當前電信業行動加值服務在韓日推展得十分成功,其市場策略、價格機制、產業價值鏈模式都十分值得學習,對臺灣行動加值服務的發展具有很強的借鑒意義。縱觀臺灣當前行動加值服務的發展,機遇與挑戰、優勢與劣勢並存,須結合臺灣電信市場現狀,進行外來經驗之本土化導入與應用,探尋適合臺灣自身的行動加值服務應用內容與發展策略。 臺灣行動加值服務的發展,不僅需要行動運營商在網路、服務、技術等方面的諸多努力,更需要政府、中間服務商、終端提供商、消費者等在內的行動價值鏈成員的共同努力。因此,未來臺灣行動加值服務的發展,應以行動運營商為中心,建立起一條合作共贏的行動加值服務產業價值鏈。
The evolution of the world economy has gone through the past industrial age to the industrial age until the post-industrial society course. With the development of communication technology, the number of mobile phone users increasing, the public has not only satisfied with a simple function of the voice services, the demand of expanding the service functions on the value-added services increasing strongly. Therefore, the mobile value-added services will be the most development potential of the field in the communication market. At present, the mobile value-added services operations in South Korea and Japan have made great success, its marketing strategies, pricing mechanism, the industry value chain models are very worthy of study. Looking at Taiwan's current mobile value-added services development,Opportunities and challenges, advantages and disadvantages are coexistent. So Taiwan must promote the localization of the foreign experience's import and application, explore the suitable value-added ii services content and development strategy for Taiwan. The development of Taiwan mobile value-added services requires not only the mobile operator's construction on network, service and technology, but also the mobile value-added chain member's efforts of the government, service providers, terminal providers and consumers. Therefore, the future development of Taiwan mobile value-added services should be on the focus of mobile operators set up a win-win cooperation mobile value-added services chain.


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