標題: 以SAP .NET Connector實作Web共同作業平台
Using SAP .NET Connector for Web Common Work Platform
作者: 蔡佳蓉
Chia-Jung Tsai
Dr. Duen-Ren Liu
關鍵字: 企業資訊入口網站;企業資源規劃;企業應用整合;SAP .NET Connector;Enterprise Information Portal;EIP;Enterprise Resource Planning;ERP;Enterprise Application Integration;EAI
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 因應資訊科技的進步及網際網路的發展,企業內部分階段採用各式的應用系統、平台、與異質資料庫。為了將不同資訊來源有效率地加以彙整與傳遞,企業應用整合的議題變得非常重要。在知識的呈現方面,企業資訊入口網站以單一的資訊窗口,提供員工即時整合的資訊與企業流程服務。因此,近幾年來企業資訊入口網站成為企業資訊整合的解決方案。 本研究的目的,在於促成企業資訊入口網站與企業資源規劃系統的連結。研究如何在Visual Studio .NET整合式開發環境上,製作ASP.NET網頁應用程式,並利用 SAP .NET Connector 介面技術工具,來連結後端SAP R/3 ERP 系統的資料庫與作業流程。藉由此簡單易用的資訊系統網頁的建立,來提供員工在企業資訊入口網站中有關ERP系統的Web化共同作業平台。
For the development of information and internet technology, enterprises implement various types of application systems, platforms, and heterogeneous databases stage by stage. To integrate and transmit different information sources efficiently, the research of Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) becomes very important for Enterprise Information Portal (EIP), which provides real time integrated information and business process services to knowledge workers from various departments and organizations through a single information gateway for multiple information sources. Enterprise Information Portal has become the popular solution of information integration for enterprises. The purpose of this thesis lies in facilitating the connection between Enterprise Information Portal and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. Under the environment of Visual Studio .NET, this work investigates how to develope ASP.NET Web Form applications, and how to utilize the interface technology of SAP .NET Connector to communicate with the back-end database and business logics of SAP R/3 ERP system. This work uses SAP .NET Connector to develop a Web common work platform that offers a simple web-based function about ERP system with EIP for the intranet members.


  1. 452601.pdf

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