標題: 中央處理器與系統晶片組廠商間的競合與經營策略之研究
Co-opetition and Business Strategy among PC CPU and Chipset Manufacturers
作者: 陳志明
Chih-Ming Chen
Shang-Jyh Liu
關鍵字: 競合理論;利潤模式;Co-Opetition;Profit patterns
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 本研究以競合理論為觀點,由企業經營的利潤模式著手,探討中央處理器與系統晶片組產業在各階段的互動關係,並在分析產業競合的關係後,進一步提出對台灣晶片組廠商經營策略的建議。本研究依系統晶片組產業發展歷史,劃分為四個時期分別加以探討,依據參與者、附加價值、市場規則、市場戰術、企業經營範疇五個構面分別探討。處於個人電腦產業最上游的中央處理器廠商,先是與系統晶片組廠商攜手共同擴大個人電腦市場。在追求最大經營利潤與強化市場價值鏈薄弱的環節動機下,中央處理器廠商介入系統晶片組產業。系統晶片組廠商在經營受到壓縮的情況下,展開大規模的價值鏈整合動作。研究發現,取得產業核心地位的廠商能夠獲得較大的利潤;中央處理器廠商與系統晶片組廠商間,長久處於既競爭又合作的模式,對兩種產業都有正面的幫助,中央處理器廠商挾龐大的研發與行銷資源,聯合系統晶片組廠商造勢,頻頻推動電腦系統的世代交替,又為了防止第三供貨源進入市場,持續推出低價位處理器,刺激消費者購買新機或換購性能更強的新機;專業系統晶片組廠商在中央處理器廠介入的壓力下,不斷地開發更高效能的晶片,既可以分擔中央處理器廠商的行銷規劃錯誤風險,又可以充分滿足全球市場各消費族群的需要。
The article based on the view of Co-opetition and profit patterns. I try to discuss the dynamic and strategy between PC CPU and Chipset manufaturers. I give six of advices to Taiwan’s chipset corporation after I analyzed these industries. Base on the history of chipset, the dynamic fell into four successive phases and I discuss them by the structure of Players, Added values, Rules, Tactics and Scope. In the beginning, the CPU corporations co-work with the chipset corporations to build up the PC business most. For the profit maximum and strengthening the weak link, the CPU corporations start entering the chipset market. The chipset corporations start to integrate the value chain. At this study, I found it is positive at PC CPU and chipset corporations when they are in the co-copetition situation. PC CPU manufacturers push PC product upgrade with higher specification by CU makers’ plenty R&D and marketing resource and for prevent the third CPU resource entrys the CPU market Intel and AMD release a lot of value CPU product to the PC market. By the way, PC market was expanded. Under the pressure of the CPU manufactures, chipset corporations designed a series of high performance or niche chipset such can avoid the market-planning mistake at PC CPU maker side. Being the co-opetition between the PC CPU and chipset industry the beneficiary is customer.
Appears in Collections:Thesis