Title: 運用情境分析法探討2030年數位生活—以可攜式多媒體播放器為例
The Forecasting of the Development of Portable Multimedia Player with Scenario Analysis on Digital Life in 2030
Authors: 黃怡仁
Valentine Y.J. Huang
Benjamin Yuan
Keywords: 可攜式多媒體播放器;數位生活;情境分析法;關鍵決策因素;portable multimedia player;digital life;scenario analysis;key decision factors
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 本研究乃使用SRI情境分析法探討未來數位生活變化之場景與數位科技產品之關聯及數位科技產業可能帶動數位經濟之趨勢,預測2030年數位生活的可攜式多媒體播放器之可能發展。
The purpose of this study is to forecast the development of portable multimedia player in 2030 by using Stanford Research Institute Scenario Analysis.

This study brainstormed through social life dimensions of living activities, living areas and living time of human being and introduction of digital technology to picture the digital life settings. By means of scenario analysis, the expert panel explored the key decision factors which influence the development of future digital industries and the needs of human life. By means of the Delphi method, this panel evaluated the high uncertainty and high impact of the external driving forces and their origins. The panel concluded that the products/technologies availability, inter-field integrality and distributed popularization are three major factors of uncertain axis themes for the future digital life scenario. Each of factors consists of two dimensions, therefore eight scenarios were found.

This study showed that, in the combination of two opposite extremes--optimism and pessimism--the scenario presentation of scenario uncertain themes, it is feasible to forecast the function development of portable multimedia player of digital life in 2030 and analyze the opportunity, threat and operation strategy of the future portable multimedia player products under various scenarios by the market demands and industrial supply on the environmental side.
Appears in Collections:Thesis