Title: | 2030年數位生活情境分析-顯示器發展之研究 A Study on the Development of Display with Scenario Analysis on Digital Life in the Year 2030 |
Authors: | 劉益華 袁建中 管理學院科技管理學程 |
Keywords: | 數位生活;顯示器;情境分析法;digital life;display;scenario analysis |
Issue Date: | 2004 |
Abstract: | 「數位化」的擴散使得整個社會的脈絡正遭受強大科技變革的推動而重整。趨勢專家Don Tapscott認為數位化革命是第二波資訊革命,帶給人類經濟、政治、社會、文化以及生活層面的全新挑戰。當數位化技術發展逐漸影響人類的生活型態時,人類也開始思考如何利用數位化技術來進一步使人類的生活更便利、創造更精采的人生,因此數位生活的概念也因應而生。今日數位生活的特徵是:數位化的資訊是主要的資訊形式、數位化資訊在各生活場景之間實現共用和交換、資訊本身是主要消費産品之一。在數位生活裡,人的視覺感官是所有感官中最有效率的,同時視覺所能夠接收到的訊息也是最豐富的,而顯示器成為人與資訊、機器的重要界面,顯示器已然蛻變為「資訊之窗」。因此本研究企圖從生活活動、活動場合、活動時間、以及社會生活層面等各生活構面,建構未來數位生活型態,透過探討顯示器產品的功能與特性,藉由SRI情境分析法找出2030年數位生活下影響顯示器的關鍵因素,尋找出機會與威脅,以擬定因應對策來強化企業的相對競爭力。研究顯示2030年的數位生活將是由網路所串聯的生活網路,從人對現有生活的不滿足或對未來生活所期望的需求為核心,去建構數位生活的場景。從以客戶需求為導向的市場趨勢角度來看,消費者的需求拉力將成為實踐未來數位生活最大的助力,其中顯示器的便利性、有效性、可選擇性及普及性四項因子將是人與機器接觸時所能直接感受的問題,最能表現需求是否受到重視與實現,獲得消費者的認同,同時顯示器的發展亦最能直接檢視產品的功能性是否符合數位生活的需要。 The diffusion of digitization makes the social structure encounter strong impact and change. Futurist Don Tapscott thinks that the revolution for digitization is the second wave of information revolution, it brings the brand-new challenges of the economy, politics , society , culture and life aspect to us. When the technological development of digitization influences the human life type attitude gradually, the mankind begins to think how to utilize digitization technology to make human life more convenient , create more exciting life further too. The characteristic of digital life is: digitization is main form of the information , digitization information share and exchange between every life scene, the information itself is one kind of product. At digital age, the vision is the most efficient in the people's sense organ, the information that the vision can be received is most abundant too, the display has already become people and machine's important interface , the display has already turned into ” the window of information”. This research constructs the digital lifestyle from activity, activity occasion, activity time, and social life aspect. Discussing the function and characteristic of display products, then using the SRI scenario analysis method find out the key factor that influenced the display under digital life in 2030. Digital life in 2030 will be linked by the network. From the point of view of market trend and taking customer's demand as direction, pulling force of consumers' demand will become the greatest helper of digital life in the future. The display product with function of convenience, validity, diversification and popularization will get most of consumers' approval. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/77653 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |