標題: 以Java為基礎的網路巡弋式管理桌面系統
A Java Based Network-Navigated Management Desktop System
作者: 吳曜先
Wu, Yau-shen
Ruei-chuan Chang
關鍵字: 爪哇;檔案共享;系統管理;Java;JMAPI;Administration;File sharing
公開日期: 1997
摘要: 不同的作業平臺擁有自己獨特的介面及系統管理的方法,如果能將 所有作業 平臺的使用介面與管理方法予以統一,將可以節省許多學習的 時間,提昇工作效 率。在本論文中,我們應用Java程式的跨平臺特性, 以JMAPI框架 (Java Management API framework)設計並實作了一套管 理系統,讓使用者可以透過單 一介面管理各種不同的作業平臺,並且在 各種平臺間以簡單的剪貼(Copy & Paste)方式傳遞檔案及目錄。 我們在Linux平臺上實作此系統,實作的結果,使用者可以透過同一個介 面管 理數臺Linux平臺,並且可以用剪貼的方式,在Linux與Linux、 Linux與Windows 及Windows與Windows間傳遞檔案、或整個目錄。本系統 在檔案共享的部分與傳統 的技術,如NFS、SMB、Samba與Smbfs等等比較 起來,雖然增加了使用上的方便性 ,但因為以Java撰寫,系統的效能卻 有待評估,因此在論文的最後,我們實驗比 較本系統與其他檔案共享技 術在檔案與目錄傳遞上的效能表現,由實驗的結果發 現,本系統在控制 兩部遠端主機傳遞檔案的效能上,優於其它的技術,而在其它 的情況下 ,雖然效能較差,卻也能保持在一個不錯的水準• There are currently many operating platforms in the world - eg. MacOS, Windows 95, UNIX and etc.- each of which have its unique user interface and administration methodology. If people can use and administrate these different platforms via a single uniform user interface, they will spend less time for acquainting themselves with different environment and do things better. For this purpose, we develop a management desktop system. The system is written in Java and uses the JMAPI framework as its base architecture. By using this system, people can use and administrate several Linux platforms in a single graphic user interface. Moreover, they can transfer files and directories across Linux and Windows plat- forms in a simple "copy & paste" operation. The system is evaluated via experiment measurements. We compare the file and directory transfer performance of our system with several traditional file-sharing techniques like NFS, SMB, Samba and Smbfs. Our System is outperforms others in the condition of remote-to- remote file transfer and has slightly inferior performance in other conditions. However, the system is still feasible for real-world usage.
Appears in Collections:Thesis