Title: 資訊服務業專業人員績效與貢獻之量度–以台灣系統整合廠商為例
Measures of Performance and Contribution of Specialists in IT Services Company –The Case of System Integration Company in Taiwan
Authors: 楊士明
Shih-Ming Yang
Chih-Young Hung
Keywords: 資訊服務;系統整合;績效與貢獻;薪資與獎勵制度;information services;system integration;performance and contribution;salary and compensation policy
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 隨著時代演進,服務業在產業環境中的重要性也與日俱增。優秀的人力是服務業生存發展的重要關鍵,此特性在資訊服務業更加明顯。公平的薪資與獎勵制度是吸引並留住人才的重要條件,公司的經營管理者不能單憑印象去制定,必須以公正且客觀的機制來訂定這個制度。 本研究以問卷調查方式,從資訊服務業系統整合廠商的客戶群中尋求答案;將客戶心目中影響成交的關鍵因素,以及專案銷售過程中實際和客戶接觸的銷售團隊四種成員做關聯性的分析。 研究結果顯示,資訊服務或系統整合專案銷售團隊,對專案成交與否的重要性由大至小分別為原廠、系統廠商規劃諮詢專員、系統廠商技術服務團隊、系統廠商業務專員,但其影響力的差距並不明顯。這樣的結果和一般公司制度著重對業務團隊的獎勵的作法有所差異。 研究成果可提供給資訊服務產業,或銷售行為相類似的其他服務業,做為薪資獎勵制度設計時的參考。一方面降低優秀員工離職率,更進一步吸引優秀人才前來加入公司,讓服務業公司能因為優秀人才源源不斷的加入而更具競爭力。
Services industry becomes more and more important in our economy as the society becomes more and more advanced. In the services industry business, quality personnel are vital to the survival and development of a services company, especially for an information services company. For an information services company, a fair salary and compensation policy is very important to attract and to keep qualified personnel. Instead of using one’s own intuition, the management must deploy a fair and objective mechanism to set up their salary and compensation policy. By surveying the customers of system integration companies, this research tries to find out what are the crucial factors when closing the deal with the system integration company, and the relation between these factors and the four members of a solution selling team who really face the customers during the project selling process. The survey shows that customers evaluate the members of an information services and system integration solution selling team, by their importance, are original hardware provider, system integration provider’s system consultants, system integration provider’s services team and system integration provider’s sales personnel. However, from customers’ point of view, the difference of their importance is negligible. The result is different from the common practice of emphasizing rewarding the sales personnel. This research provides companies in information services with guidelines for setting their salary and compensation policy. Not only will those guidelines keep good employees on their jobs, it will also attract suitable candidates join the company, making the services industry company more competitive.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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