Title: 主動式倍頻技術20GHz鎖相迴路之研製
20GHz Phase Locked Oscillator with Active Frequency Multiplication
Authors: 蔡明宏
Tsai, Ming-Horng
Kao Yao-Huang
Keywords: 鎖相迴路;倍頻器;phase locked loop;multiplier
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: 衛星通訊用之鎖相低雜訊20GHz訊號已發展出來。電路架構的策略是 考量在元件可用性及低價位。訊號是從一個2.5GHz鎖相訊號源倍頻所產生 。2.5GHz鎖相訊號源包括有溫度控制式石英振盪器、高品質因子同軸共振 器式之電壓控制振盪器、頻率合成器之積體電路、預除器和主動式迴路濾 波器。而且,20GHz訊號是循序地由高電子移動率電晶體式的頻率四倍頻 器及頻率二倍頻器所產生。 A locked low phase noise 20GHz signal is developed for the satellite communication. The strategy of the construction is on the component availability and low cost. The signal is multiplied from a 2.5GHz locked source. The locked loop for 2.5GHz source consists of a temperature controlled crystal oscillator (TCXO), voltage controlled oscillator (VCO), high-Q coaxial resonator, frequency synthesizer IC, and active loop filter. And the 20GHz signal is obtained sequentially by quadrupler and doubler frequency multiplier due to the capability of HEMT transistor.
Appears in Collections:Thesis