標題: | 安全變更管理-以半導體廠電化學電鍍製程設備系統風管改置為例 Safety Management of Change – Case Study of Exhaust Retrofit at ECP Process System in Semiconductor Fab |
作者: | 陳慧君 Chen, Huei-Jiun 蔡春進 Tsai, Chuen-Jinn 工學院產業安全與防災學程 |
關鍵字: | 安全變更管理;safety Management of change |
公開日期: | 2008 |
摘要: | 任何化學品、管路、設備零組件等工程變更,以及當設施的改變會影響到製程時,都有可能產生未曾預期的安全衛生及環境的危害。本論文之主要研究目的為以電化學電鍍製程設備之系統排氣風管改置工程為案例並藉由在半導體產業之工作經驗所累積之知識及參考國內外法規或標準,以探討安全變更管理(Safety Management of Change,簡稱SMOC)應用在半導體廠安全管理上的重要性。並藉由電化學電鍍製程設備之機台製程特性證明在進行變更前不僅需執行安全變更管理評估,更要加入風險評估方法,則可有效避免發生排氣風管拆除施工時,因未針對變更機台特性及其潛在風險提出改善預防措施導致機台氫氣殘氣逸散引發機台氣體偵測器作動,並啟動廠區自動語音疏散警報,使無塵室操作人員及施工廠商立即停下工作進行疏散,進而造成工廠生產中斷類似案件。
本研究證明安全變更管理程序中風險控制的重要性,進而發展結合傳統之單點安全變更管理程序與風險評估而成的系統化安全變更管理程序,並進行分析傳統單點安全變更管理程序與系統化安全變更管理程序之執行方法的不同及其改善效益。除此之外也提出如何改善安全變更管理在執行面上所遇到之問題分別為:第一、加強安全變更管理制度之宣傳。第二、建置完整安全變更管理審核機制。第三、安全變更管理制度分級機制。第四、建立e-化之安全變更管理程序。並可作為業界未來在執行安全變更管理制度時之參考指標。 Any engineering changes from chemical, pipe, parts of equipment or layout of manufacturing process might generate unexpected hazards of safety, hygiene & environment. The major purpose of this thesis is looking for the importances of applying Safety Management of Change (SMOC) in safety management in semiconductor fab using exhaust retrofit at ECP process system as an example. It is shown that not only enforcing SMOC assessment before changing is needed but also risk assessment should be involved to avoid gas leakage accident which occurred when risk assessment on characteristics of equipment changings was not properly conducted. Insufficient prevention action caused residual hydrogen leak and activation of gas detectors which triggered evacuating broadcasting. As a result, manufacturing process was interrupted. This research has demonstrated the importance of risk control of safety management of change. Systematic safety management which combines the traditional single point SMOC and risk assessment has been developed. The difference between the work procedure of the traditional SMOC and systematic safety management of change was compared and the benefit of using the systematic approach was calculated. The methods to improvement the SMOC procedure are summaried as:1. Enforce the SMOC rules. 2. Establish fully review mechanism of SMOC. 3. Classify SMOC rules. 4. Employ SMOC procedure on-line. The conclusions of this study are useful for the releavant industry. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/63079 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |
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