DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorYi-Yung Chenen_US
dc.contributor.authorDr. Chang Yien_US
dc.description.abstract光電產業於國內被視為未來之明星產業,尤其是國內薄膜電晶体液晶顯示器(TFT-LCD)各製造廠看好未來筆記型電腦及液晶電視(LCD TV)需求,均加速擴廠增產,同時亦帶動上下游產業於國內發展。TFT-LCD與積體電路(IC)之製程雖然部份相似,但因玻璃基板尺寸逐步放大,相對使用之各項化學品耗量亦同步增高,以TFT-LCD五代玻璃基板面積與12吋晶圓比較,TFT-LCD約為12吋晶圓近20倍。如何減少化學品耗量,已成各製造廠關切的問題,因此各種化學回收系統已逐漸應用於TFT-LCD製造廠,除降低製造成本外,亦能減少化學廢棄物產生,對製造廠節省開銷及資源永續利用二者均有相當之貢獻。本文介紹之廢溶劑回收系統即是目前廣被使用之再生資源設備。 於國內之TFT-LCD製造廠於規劃新廠時,絕大多數均朝次世代廠設計,鮮少重複進行同一世代廠房之建立。故於規劃次世代廠初期,各項設計參數除設備製造商提供外,只能依現有之數據作預估,本文討論之廢溶劑回收系統之規劃亦是如此。回收系統之主要設計參數為建廠初期製程設備預估之廢溶劑數量及成份,待廠房建立、設備機台正式運轉後,建廠初期預估之設計參數,因製程參數需要而調整,於實際運轉時之廢溶劑含量已與預估值產生差異。故回收系統需要進行改善,以達最佳回收效能。 本文介紹之廢溶劑以蝕刻製程使用之光阻剝離液為主,回收系統主要為處理製程設備排放之廢剝離液,去除其中之廢光阻、水分及雜質,再經由濃度調整達製程設備需求後,再供應至設備端,達循環使用之目的。文中藉由探討TFT-LCD製程及光阻剝離液之運作,了解回收系統之應用,並討論回收系統於規劃及實際運作之差異,及改善後達到之成果,並提出後續改進之建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe photoelectric industry is considered as the star in the future industry at Taiwan, every factory of the especially in Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display (TFT-LCD) has an optimistic view of the note-book computer and liquid crystal TV (LCD TV) in the future, expand the factory and increase production with higher speed, also drive and visit the industry to develop at home from head to foot at the same time. The process of TFT-LCD and integrated circuit (IC) though some similar, the size of glass is enlarged progressively, also increase to the total amount of every chemicals that is used in step, compare the area of glass with G5 of TFT-LCD with 12-inch wafer, the TFT-LCD is about 20 times greater than 12-inch wafer. How to reduce the total amount of chemicals, has already become the problem deeply concerned of every factory, so various kinds of chemistry reclaim system are already apply to TFT-LCD factory gradually, besides reducing the manufacturing cost, and also reduce the chemical offal and emerge, has made suitable contribution to the thing that the factory saved the expenses and resource continuous utilization both. The system of waste solvent reclaim system that this document introduces is the wide regenerated resources equipment used at present. When TFT-LCD factory is in the new factory of planning, almost the entire factory designs the next generation, only a few factory on the setting-up of the factory building of the same generation repeatedly. So in the new factory initial stage, every design parameter is except that the equipment manufacturer offer, can only is it estimate in advance to make in accordance with existing data, what this text discuss waste solvent reclaim system planning like this also. The main design parameter of waste solvent reclaim system are waste solvent quantity and composition that submitted from the equipment department, after waiting for the FAB of setting up, equipment machine of factory building to operate formally, the design parameter of estimating in advance in initial stage, make parameter changed is it adjust to need, waste solvent content already difference from estimated data while operating actually. So the reclaim system needs improving, by reaching the best efficiency of retrieving. What this text introduce waste solvent, come from etching process, is the photo resist stripper. The reclaim system mainly for deal with the waste stripper, remove of moisture and impurity, adjust components via concentration control unit, then supply to the equipment, reach the purpose to recycle. By probing into TFT-LCD process and the effect of photo resist stripper, understand that application of reclaim system, and discuss that it is in the difference between planning and actual operation to reclaim system, and the achievement reached after improving, and propose the suggestion of follow-up improvement.en_US
dc.subjectfacility systemen_US
dc.subjectorganic solvent reclaimen_US
dc.titleThe application and improvement of waste solvent reclaim system in TFT-LCD FABen_US