標題: 全球資訊網上學習素材敘事方式之初探
An Exploratory Study of Learning Material Design and Narrative Structure in a Web-Based Hypertext Learning Environment
作者: 陳家惠
Chia-Hui Chen
周 倩
Chien Chou
關鍵字: 全球資訊網;學習素材;敘事體;虛擬實境;World Wide Web;Learning Material;Narrative;Virtual Reality
公開日期: 1998
摘要:   本研究主要的目的在於探討全球資訊網下,傳統學習素材敘事方式改變的可能性。根據相關文獻,研究者推論出網路學習素材敘事方式的設計原則,並發展一套全球資訊網上學習素材敘事VRML系統的雛型,藉著對該雛型系統的測試與評估,探討網路虛擬實境的學習方式之發展。 在此一初探性的研究中,文獻探討部份首先對超文本(Hypertext)理論進行討論,其次針對文本敘事理論(Narrative)進行探討,第三提出網路虛擬實境(VRML)的概念,最後再參考建構主義(Constructivism)學習的精神進行參照,討論網路化學習素材敘事方式的可能發展,並從研究中推論出系統設計原則,以作為發展的重要參考指標。 本論文研究方法分為三個階段,第一階段採用「文獻探討與分析」進行相關文獻的搜集與整理工作,其次採系統發展法實地設計及製作一套網路環境科學素材學習系統,最後則利用「使用者評估法」與「專家評估法」來評估使用者介面及學習效果,導正系統在使用性上的缺失,並針對研究發現進行相關討論。 本研究結果發現:一、網路虛擬實境學習素材敘事系統可以增進學習動機與樂趣;二、網路的學習素材敘事與呈現方式改變了傳統的學習素材敘事與呈現方式;三、敘事人稱的不同會影響學習者在網路虛擬實境中的沉浸感受;四、雖然2D網頁或VRML系統在學習者的學習成效上並無差異,但學習者期待在VRML系統中能有更多的互動物件;五、VRML教材應與文字教材相互配合設計。在運用新科技為學習素材帶來新創意與新方向的同時,仍有許多問題尚待未來的相關研究提供建議。
The purpose of this study is to explore the new style of learning material narratives in the World Wide Web. This study first reviewed the literature in hypertext, hypermedia, multimedia, narrative theories, VRML concepts, and Constructivism theory. Through literature review, the researchers concluded the design principles and guidelines to base the prototype system of this study. A networked desktop VR-based prototype system and courseware entitled “The Story of Hsiao-Hua” were developed for environmental science learning. Hsiao-Hua is a Therapon jarbua, lives in the sea near Hsinchu city. The story describes his journey to travel around Taiwan, and his sickness when the living environment changes. The design of the course, the development of the system (platform and software), and expert-based and user-based evaluations were conducted. The evaluation results indicated that (1) the networked VR-based learning course could enhanced learners’ interest and fun in the learning experience; (2) The major differences in computer-based 2D design and 3D-based design were interactivity, and viewpoints; (3) the viewpoint difference enhanced the immersion effects; (4) however, the viewpoints and interactivity did not make any significant difference in users’ learning achievement; (5) the combination of the VRML presentation of visual information and the HTML presentation of text and 2D graphics were highly suggested for learning materials design.
Appears in Collections:Thesis