標題: 強制汽車責任保險對道路交通安全影響之研究
The Effect of Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance On Road Traffic Safety
作者: 余健泉
Chien-Chuan Yu
Hsin-Li Chang
關鍵字: 強制汽車責任保險;道路交通安全;交通違規行為;認知態度;compulsory automobile liability insurance;road traffic safety;traffic-violating behavior;perception and attitude
公開日期: 1998
摘要: 我國汽車責任保險於民國八十七年一月一日正式實施,而機車部份也於民國八十八年一月一日開始納入。相較於過去的第三人意外責任保險,強制汽車責任保險制度做了大幅的修正,尤其在責任歸屬方面,採取限額無過失責任制。此一制度的實施,是否為汽機車使用者所瞭解,且是否影響駕駛人之駕駛行為,將可能對道路交通安全產生衝擊。有鑑於此,本研究乃透過問卷設計瞭瞭汽機車使用者對強制汽車責任保險的認知與態度,並嘗試驗證不同的認知態度對汽機車駕駛者駕駛行為之影響。
Compulsory automobile liability insurance has been brought to effect in Taiwan on January 1, 1998. Compared with past third party accident liability insurance system, the compulsory automobile liability insurance was revised substantially, especially in limited no-fault system. This new policy might worsen road traffic safety if road users do not understand correctly. Therefore, this study investigates perception and attitude of road users to compulsory automobile liability insurance and how to affect driving behavior.
This study was conducted to explore drivers’ understanding and perception to the new insurance policy by attitude scale, including the range of coverage, premium factor, uninsured punishment, etc. The result indicates that motorists have higher ratio that answering questions correctly than motorcyclists. Besides, we measure driver behavior by asking their risk perceptions and frequency of traffic violations, so as to find the relationships between their perceptions and driving behavior. The result indicates that motorcyclists who have higher perception will have more responsible attitude toward preventing accidents. However, this relation does not appear significantly for motorists.
Finally, some alternatives to enhance the current system are drawn to test road users’ response and attitude by questionnaire. The result indicates that the bonus structure of current insurance system can not lead road users to possess more responsible attitude toward preventing accidents. Instead, formulated more severe alternatives can. As the results showed above, some modifications for fare structure are suggested to consolidate current compulsory automobile liability insurance in order to enhance its function for promoting road traffic safety.