Title: | 滿意的補救措施暨再購買意願的決定因素 Response Determinants in Recovery Satisfaction and Repurchase Intention |
Authors: | 李丕寧 Nicole Pei-Ning Lee 楊千 王耀德 Dr. Chyan Yang Dr. Yau-De Wang 經營管理研究所 |
Keywords: | 不確定思維模式;公平理論;補救措施;再購買意願;Recovery Satifaction;Repurchase Intention;Equity Theory;Disconfirmation Paradigm |
Issue Date: | 1998 |
Abstract: | 摘 要 在競爭的商業環境中 , 無論是製造業或是服務業 , 都面臨開發新顧客及維持舊顧客關係的課題。因為有關成本 , 尤其是在加強對舊顧客的忠誠度 , 更成為目前市場學學術及實務上 , 相當重視的題目。因此當服務或商品發生缺失之後 , 在進行補救措施過程中 , 如何讓顧客感到滿意並增加再購買意願 , 是本研究所討論的重點。 本研究依據Disconfirmation paradigm( 不確定思維模式)及 Equity theory (公平理論 ) , 討論顧客以分配公平 , 程序公平 和 態度模式三個方面 , 以個人及社會規範來比較並確定自己的付出與所得的比例是公平的 , 使顧客感到滿意的補救措施暨增加再購買意願. 研究結果顯示 , 分配公平是 顧客有滿意的補救措施 最重要的因素 , 而且在分配公平中所得的補償物以確定公平即可 , 而非越多越好。然而增加再購買意願的決定因素 , 卻以態度模式為最重要 。態度模式中的四個衡量變數 , 經分析之後 , 分為兩組概念 , 分別是解釋(Explanation)及積極(Proactiveness)兩項 , 其中解釋變數與再購買意願並無顯著相關 , 因此真正決定再購買意願的因素 , 是參與補救過程的服務人員的態度和熱心與積極的程度。 因此 , 無論是製造業或是服務業 , 品質的保證非常重要。當發生商品或服務缺失時 , 員工訓練素質與參與態度 , 才是決定公司是否具有維持舊顧客的能力 , 進而提昇競爭力得到有利生存利基的決定因素。 Abstract Keeping customers has become an important and challenging issue for companies. While companies can not prevent all problems and complaints, they can learn to recovery from them. Discovering what happens to complaints that are voiced is fundamental to understand the customer complaining process. This study examines the effect of distributive, procedural, and interactional fairness on complainants' satisfaction and re-patronage intention. In order to understand the relative importance of recovery activities in determining recovery satisfaction and subquent repurchase intention, a model of recovery combines the three fairness components of equity theory and a disconfirmation-confirmation comparison with each fairness factors is conducted. The airline industry is chosen by using convient sampling from frequent travelers. To test validity of data, a principal factor analysis is applied. This research divides interactional style into two factors: explanation and proactiveness of interactional style. The results indicate that proactiveness of interactional style, involvement of procedural fairness and distributive fairness has positive effect on recovery satisfaction. Of these three, distributive fairness has largest impact on recovery satisfaction. In the recovery situation, customers would like to get a fair amount of compensation, which meets the state of confirmation in disconfirmation paradigm. Moreover, involvement of procedural fairness and proactiveness of interactional style has positive effect on repurchase intention. This indicates that a high compensation may not fully reflect the underlying re-patronage intentions. A long-term relationship with customer is based on customer's speaking out what their lost and getting involvement in recovery process and employee' s service attitude such as empathy, politeness and effort. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/64586 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |