Title: 員工個人屬性與工作特性、工作生活品質關聯性之研究 - 以台電公司水力發電廠實施集中營運化之後為例
Relationships Among Employee's Demographic Data , Job Characteristics and Quality of Work Life ─ An Empirical Case Study of The Enforced Centralization Operation of Hydro Power Plant in Taiwan
Authors: 陳木成
Mu-Cheng Chen
Dr. Jaw-Ming Chen
Keywords: 個人屬性;工作特性;工作生活品質;集中營運化;Employee's Demographic Data;Job Characteristics;Quality of Work Life;Centralization Operation
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 本研究乃以台電公司所屬實施集中營運化的五個水力發電廠(桂山電廠、大甲溪電廠、高屏電廠、蘭陽電廠、銅門電廠)員工為研究對象,以自編的滿意度量表做為全體普查之問卷調查工具;藉以瞭解員工對現在工作特性及工作生活品質滿意程度;並分析員工的個人屬性與其工作特性、工作生活品質滿意度之關係。
This research , taking all employees of the five hydro power plants in the enforced centralization operation of Taiwan Power Compnay(i.e. Kueishan, Tachia River, Kaoping, Lanyang and Tungmen hydro power plant) and collecting data of structed questionnaires , aimed to understand employee's satisfactions of job characteristics and quality of work then analyzed
relationships among themselves.
Among 462 issuing questionnaires , 321 were obtained(i.e. 70.1%)and analyzed by SPSS software. The main findings are as follows:
1. Employees are the most satisfied with task significance and the least satisfied with task feedback in job characteristics.
2. Employees are the most satisfied with work-family-society relationship and the least satisfied with learning and development in quality of work life.
3. Employee's satisfactions of job characteristics are significant differences on plant, age, education and position.
4. Employee's satisfactions of quality of work life are significant differences on plant, age and position.
5. It shows a significant positive relationships between employee's satisfactions of job characteristics and employee's satisfactions of quality of work.
According to the conclusion of this research , the following concrete suggestions are provided for operating management of hydro power plants : "useful communication" , "manger's movtivations", "help employees with career planning" and "research and improve on evaluation and promotion system" , which hope leading a head to plan for the enforcing plant in the future.
Appears in Collections:Thesis