Title: 纏繞式複合材料高爾夫球桿件之暫態反應分析
Transien Response of Filament Wound Composite Golf Rod
Authors: 崔紀梅
Ji-Mei Tsuei
Tai-Yan Kam
Keywords: 有限單元;模態分析;振動;撓曲勁度;衰減;Finite Element;Transient Response;Oscillation;Bending Stiffness;Decay
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 本文主要目的是針對複合材料高爾夫球桿受到衝擊時的動態反應,討論如何降低振動,避免共振現象的發生。
理論方面將使用前後處理繪圖軟體,來建立一個與實體幾何外形相同之模型,將網目分割後經由有限元素分析軟體MSC/NASTRAN 67.5作力學分析,再由前後處理繪圖軟體PATRAN將MSC/NASTRAN 67.5分析之結果作後處理,以圖表形式輸出,以完成電腦輔助設計自動化。
In this paper, we focus on the transient response analysis of the composite golf rod. We discuss how to reduce oscillation, to avoid resonance.
We will use pre/post processor packages PATRAN, to construct the geometric model of the structures and then use finite element packages MSC/NASTRAN 70.5, to analyze the mechanical behaviors of the structures.
Golf rods composed of carbon fiber and thermosetting plastic resin are made, subjected static load and transient excitation.
Finally, we will compare the theoretical predictions with those obtained by experiments. We will more realize the mechanical behavior and character of the material.
Appears in Collections:Thesis