Title: 貨櫃航商港埠選擇模式之研究-以台灣地區港埠為例
A Study of Container Liner Carriers’ Port Choice Model – Taiwanese Container Ports as an Example
Authors: 鄭聯芳
Lian Fang Zheng
Dr. Yonger Wu
Dr. Cherng-Chwan Hwang
Keywords: 定期船舶運送業;多項羅吉特模型;個體選擇行為模式;Liner Shipping;Multinominal Logit Model;Disaggregate Choice Model
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 本研究主要目的在針對貨櫃航商選擇使用台灣地區貨櫃港埠時,可能考量因素以及影響程度,並以個體選擇行為模式中的多項羅吉特模型,描述其決策行為特性以及效用函數特徵。 研究過程中,先以「第一階段問卷」進行蒐集調查定期船航商選擇港埠之重要因素及其相關行為特性,接著以「第二階段問卷」經由不同變數及其水準值所組成之替選方案,調查受訪航商選擇港埠之偏好,並依該階段問卷調查結果,據以構建出定期船航商之港埠選擇行為模式,並預估各港埠選擇機率。 研究發現,影響航商選擇台灣地區使用港埠的主要因素,包括了與時間相關的港埠裝卸效率及內陸運送時間兩個變數,以及和成本相關的港埠費率以及內陸運送費率,均會影響定期船舶運送業的航商,使用台灣地區貨櫃港埠的選擇行為。 本研究並運用所建構出的多項羅吉特模型,為各港埠管理當局進行港埠價格策略分析,並據以研擬適當的價格政策,達成擴張市場佔有率的目標。最後建議未來可針對整體海運路網均衡,作一整體性分析的考量。
The purpose of this study was to develop a stated preference design for investigating the affecting factors that carrier’s choice of ports in the Taiwan area. Further, this study constructed a multi-nominal logit model to explain the Taiwan’s port choice behavior of the ocean carrier and analyze the importance of affecting factors. The major findings of this study was through the results of the Logit model, the factors that affect carriers choice of Taiwan’s port can be categorized into two major factors, those were the loading efficiency of the port, transit time in the land, terrify of the port and terrify in the land. In this study, we only examine the port choice in the Taiwan island, in the future, it could also examine the assignment of shipments to port on an aggregate level should be one of the important topics in the future study.
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