標題: 航空貨運承攬業者選擇國外合作模式之評估
The Evaluation of Overseas Cooperation Model For Air Freight Forwarders
作者: 季善美
Shan-Mei Chi
Cheng-Min Feng
關鍵字: 航空貨運承攬業;國外合作模式;深度訪談;Air Freight Forwarder;Overseas Cooperation Model;In Depth Interview
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 摘 要 航空貨運承攬業係屬國際之服務事業,其在成本、風險、當地市場及管理等各種外部環境及內部情況的考量下,以自行設立海外分公司或與海外同業或異業進行企業間併購、合資或簽訂雙方合作契約等方式,建立一完整且綿密的全球服務網路。 近來許多全球性的物流整合業者以併購的方式擴大其事業版圖, 他們利用同業間的併購或結合物流產業內上、中、下游的方式來加強其服務的廣度及深度,成為世界級的整合型物流服務提供者。反觀以中小型企業為主的台灣的航空貨運承攬業,於面對國外各種不同的條件及本身有限的資源考量下, 應該採取何種方式來構建自己的全球服務網絡,走出自己的路來呢? 為此,本研究針對航空貨運承攬業的立場,試圖從建構國外合作模式開始,將航空貨運承攬業選擇國外合作模式的評估準則以成本面及效益面勾勒出基本模型後,套用多準則評估方法,將航空貨運承攬業於設立國外服務網絡時會考慮的外部環境因素設計出8 種不同的情境,讓各航空貨運承攬公司之高階經理人藉由問卷填寫及深度訪談之方式,針對該公司於實際設立國外營業據點的經驗及專業觀點勾選出適合該公司的國外合作模式。 最後,本研究將綜合各受訪者的訪談內容及問卷分析結果,歸納出不同的外部環境、公司內部狀況、個人偏好等可能造成選擇不同國外合作模式的結果做為結論,供學術研究及業者於實際選擇國外模式時做參考。
Abstract The Air Freight Forwarding Company deals with the business of international service. Therefore, the international Air Freight Forwarding Company, should not only establish regional market competition ability, but also build a complete and global service network by establishing overseas branch office, Merger or Acquisition, Joint Venture and Non-equity Alliance, etc, under the consideration of cost, business risk, local market, management and all external and internal circumstance. In recent years, many integrated of global logistics have expanded their business territory by merging others. They use the strategy of merging the logistics industries vertically and horizontally to enhance the service quality, and to become the worldwide integrated logistic service provider. On the contrary, facing the foreign different conditions and limited resources, small and medium Taiwan Air Freight Forwarding Companies should evaluate how to buildup their own global service network. From the viewpoint of Air Freight Forwarding Company, this study starts from establishing overseas cooperation model, based on the criteria of cost and effectiveness analysis, and then applies the Methods of Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) to evaluate 5 alternatives and 8 different scenarios. The top managers of the Air Freight Forwarding Companies are selected to answer the questions through in depth interview. Finally, this study has concluded that the different selection of overseas cooperation model was possibly caused by different external environments, company internal conditions and decision makers behavior.
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