Title: 虛擬實境在建築設計之初探
A Study of Virtual Reality in Architectural Design
Authors: 吳銘輝
Min-Hei Wu
Yu-Tung Liu
Keywords: 虛擬實境;電腦輔助建築設計;virtual reality;computer-aided architectural design
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 電腦輔助設計在建築設計上的應用已經日益成熟,越來越多的學術研究與實務工作把電腦帶入設計過程並且得到新的結果。虛擬實境是近年來開始快速發展中的新工具,使用於設計完成後的呈現可以得到很好的效果,而應用於設計過程中的討論仍在起步的階段。 本研究中嘗試著透過一個建築設計的實驗來分別測試傳統繪圖與虛擬實境兩項媒材,根據實驗的過程與最終的結果來比較兩種媒材的差異性,並找出虛擬實境在建築設計過程中的一些特性。 實驗的結果顯示了虛擬實境中必須花比較多的時間來完成設計,設計過程是以一種類似堆積木的量體組合方式來完成,而設計過程中也比較缺乏替選方案的可能性。然而虛擬實境中具有三維空間的即時視覺感受,在空間的處理與空間的安排利用上都可以有比較仔細的考慮。 在本研究中所得到的一些現象仍是初步的討論,僅止於提供了虛擬實境在建築設計上的部分優缺點,未來將可以繼續以虛擬實境討論更多的設計議題,或是朝向改進虛擬實境中的介面來研究,甚至可以思考如何整合兩種媒材的優點,以便利於設計者從事建築設計工作。
With the evolvement of CAAD, there're more and more academic researches and practical works about the use of computer in design processes and emerges diverse conclusions. Virtual reality, as a new technology, has been rapidly developed in the recent years and it indeed helps lot in presenting a design projects. At the same time, the exploration about VR systems in design processes is still in the preliminary stage. This thesis tries to examine the differences in two design media- VR environment and two-dimensional sketch. According to the processes and result of an architectural design experiment, the characteristics of VR in architectural design are derived. The conclusion suggests that designing in VR environment might be more time-consuming than sketching. Also, in VR environment, the design processes seems to be a series of stacking blocks, and subjects think less about the alternative plans. On the other hand, the advantages of 3d vision and real-time feedback of VR brings the better efficiency of space arrangements. The findings are preliminary, only reveal some ad/disadvantages of VR systems in architectural design. The further studies might emphasize on the interface improving of VR or explore the possibilities of combining two different media to get a better architectural design environment.
Appears in Collections:畢業論文