DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorYao-Hsun HSUen_US
dc.contributor.authorDr. Lawrence W. LANen_US
dc.description.abstract在政府極力推動智慧運輸系統的政策下,T衛星計程車隊從新加坡引進派遣系統平台,於91年9月在大台北都會區開始營運,惟基於某些內外在因素,在93年4月易手經營,隨後歇業、重組。本研究主要目的係進行T個案車隊成立以來相關營運問題之剖析,希望能夠提供未來欲導入衛星計程車派遣系統之借鏡。 經分析發現,在乘客行銷方面,T車隊針對派遣管理系統進行改善,輔以創新的行銷策略,因此在話務的要求上尚符合大多數消費者要求。在公司營運方面,初期顧客需求導向之營運模式讓T車隊獲得消費者肯定,但卻未同時大力招募司機,使得供需不平衡,造成長期虧損致易手、歇業、再重組。在隊員供給方面,派遣邏輯之修改加強司機對車隊之信任,亦縮短派車時間,使得顧客再回流;此外,車隊組織扁平化使得司機間之關係更加緊密,係歇業後能重新再起之關鍵因素。經T車隊個案分析知,衛星計程車隊建置成本高,如欲將其全數轉嫁至司機是不可行的,消費者行銷、品牌形象維護、營運成本降低、系統穩定與派遣公平是經營成功的重要關鍵。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractUnder the policy of developing intelligent transportation systems, a T satellite taxicab company was established, which introduced the computer aid dispatching system from Singapore and started its operation in Taipei area in September 2002. However, due to some internal and external factors, the company ever changed its owner, shut down the business and then reorganized. This thesis attempts to investigate the operational problems that the T company has encountered ever since its operation and to identify some critical factors causing the company to keep business in the market. It is hoped to provide useful information to other companies which intend to introduce similar satellite dispatching system. The investigation has shown that on the passenger demand side, the T company made improvements in the dispatching management system in addition to the innovative marketing strategy. The on-call services reasonably met the consumers’ demands. On the company operation side, despite the fact that the highly customer-oriented service won the recognition of the passengers, failure to recruit sufficient taxi drivers has caused a serious imbalance between supply and demand -- more and more passengers were discouraged from using the T taxicabs due to long waiting time and a vicious circle was gradually formed. As a consequence, a long-term deficit has been gradually formulated, which deemed the T company transference of ownership, shutdown of business and reorganization. For the dispatching system, the drivers are quite satisfied with the modification of dispatching logics that curtailed the assigning time and resulted in the backflow of customers. In addition, the flattening of the organization made the drivers more interdependent, another key factor to revitalize the business. From the T company case study, it is found that the cost of establishing a satellite taxi system is high and it is almost infeasible to transfer all the costs to drivers. The case study also shows that marketing of the consumers, maintenance of the company image, reduction of the operational costs, enhancement of the system reliability, and fairness of the dispatching are the key factors to success.en_US
dc.subjectsatellite dispatching taxicabsen_US
dc.subjectintelligent transportation systemsen_US
dc.subjectoperational problemsen_US
dc.titleInvestigation of Operational Problems for Satellite Taxicabs– The Case of T Companyen_US


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