標題: 航空公司飛安管理運作模式之研究
An Operational Model for Airline Safety Management
作者: 鍾易詩
Chung Yi-Shih
Wan Jinn-Tsai
關鍵字: 飛航安全;安全管理;錯誤樹分析;Air Safety;Safety Management;Fault Tree Analysis
公開日期: 1999
摘要: 過去利用統計方法所作的研究中,並無證據顯示航空公司的財務狀況、是否為新進的航空公司、解除管制政策本身或管制政策衍生的改變等因素會顯著影響飛航安全。而相關飛安理論也顯示出,飛安績效的好壞實掌握在公司本身對飛安管理的理念與用心。因此,本研究藉由解構航空公司之飛安管理流程,了解各運作程序對飛安績效的影響關係,並以錯誤樹分析方法之概念提出一可行之績效衡量模式。至於模式之構建則分為:界定研究範圍、構建飛安管理機制、界定流程潛在失誤、架構錯誤樹、訂定節點評估指標、衡量節點績效以及錯誤樹分析等七個步驟。
There is no distinct evidence showing in the previous statistic studies that factors such as the financial status of airlines, the length of entering the industry, the deregulation policies itself and the changes deriving from the various regulation policies have significant impact on air safety. Moreover, some theories also infer the performance of air safety lies in the manager’s endeavor on this issue. Therefore, this thesis aims at the interrelations between the operational procedures and the associated impact of air safety via analyzing the management process. In the end, a model based on fault tree analysis was constructed for assessment which consists of the following steps: set scope of the study, establish the mechanism of airline safety management, identify the latent faults in the process, construct the fault tree, set up node indices for assessment, assess the results of nodes, and analyze the fault tree.
This thesis is mainly concerned on the flight operations, of which the mechanism of airline safety management is divided into physical operation process and safety information analysis system. The physical operations include: pilots recruit, practice on home base, flight dispatch, and practice during outside stay. The safety information analysis system include: pilot performance, pilot attribute, pilot training, stay-over check, crew assignment, flight plan, cargo loading, fuel loading, on-line maintenance, and configuration clearance. After examining the safety management content carefully, six types of fault tree are therefore established. They are: recruit incompetent pilots, pilots without adequate capability to perform missions, errors in loading and balancing, errors in facility breakdown, errors in configuration clearance, and flight performed by incompetent pilots.
Illustrated by a simple numerical example, the results have shown that this fault tree approach is effective to assess the performance of flight operations. Furthermore, by employing the trial balance analysis, the impact of various inputs on airline safety performance can be easily evaluated. Thus, the fault tree analysis can be a powerful tool both for airlines and the authorities to measure effectiveness of an air safety program.