標題: 超文本環境下敘事文本類型與結構對閱讀之影響
作者: 陳思齊
關鍵字: 超文本;敘事體;閱讀;文本類型;hypertext;narrative;redaing;genre
公開日期: 1999
摘要: 隨著全球資訊網的興起,愈來愈多樣的訊息選擇在網路上以超文本的樣式呈現,過去人們依賴線性式的訊息以了解、認知所處的環境,那麼當訊息以超文本模式呈現時,人們如何進行閱讀。 本研究的主要目的即在探討超文本空間中,讀者在面對不同結構與類型之文本時,其閱讀時間、閱讀成效、閱讀聯想及態度是如何的,並探討超文本敘事體的發展。 本研究採用實驗法進行測試,研究者分別建立四組不同結構及類型之網頁,包括:線性新聞體組、線性小說體組、超文本小說體組、超文本新聞組,隨機分派受試者至不同組別進行閱讀。 結果發現,在閱讀時間上,超文本組比線性文本組所使用的時間長,而在閱讀成效上,超文本組的閱讀成效顯然優於線性文本組,在閱讀聯想上,超文本小說體組的聯想量多於線性新聞體組,最後,受試者對此一閱讀經驗之評估大多是為正面態度,但四組之間沒有顯著差異
Now we see more and more information shown on the WWW in the form of hypertext which is much different from the linear information we used to contact. Since how people read information in the form of hypertext is still unknown, it should be an interesting issue to study further. The purpose of this study is to explore, in the form of hypertext, how readers handle information according to the following dimensions: the duration of time as they read, the reading effects, things they associate with as they read, and their reading attitude. Additionally, the development of hypertext narratives is discussed later. An experiment is carried out in this study. In the experiment, there are four different kinds of homepages and each has its own structure: linear-news, linear-novel, non-linear news, and non-linear novel. Subjects are randomly distributed to four groups to read the homepages. The results indicate that, the subjects spent more time in non-linear homepages than in linear homepages, ‚ the subjects had better comprehension and memory in non-linear homepages than in linear homepages, ƒ more associations are provoked when the subjects read non-linear novels instead of linear-news „ most of the subjects in this study evaluated their reading experiences positively.