標題: 新聞網站互動性功能設計與使用者感知行為之初探----以聯合新聞網為例
Interactive Functions and User Perception of Online News Sites in Taiwan:An Exploratory Case Study of United Daily News Site
作者: 蔡淑如
Shu-ju Tsai
Chien Chou
關鍵字: 線上新聞;新聞網站;互動性;互動性感知;互動性功能;online news;online news site;interactivity;perceived interactivity;interactive function
公開日期: 1999
摘要: 本研究旨在探討新聞網站的互動性,分別從互動性概念、新聞網站互動性功能實務建置、互動性功能使用者三方面進行探究。本研究先針對「互動性」概念加以釐清,探求其真正的本質意涵,並將「互動性」此一抽象概念具體落實在新聞網站的互動性設計上,藉由文獻探討統整出新聞網站具備的互動性功能,以內容分析法分析國內新聞網站的網頁呈現,針對這些網站的互動性加以評估探討;再以個案研究的方式,採用「網路問卷調查」方法對「聯合新聞網」讀者近用互動性功能的意願進行調查,藉此瞭解讀者與新聞網站之間的互動情形,以及其對新聞網站互動性功能設計的感知與滿意度,並瞭解讀者近用這些互動性功能的動機與滿足程度,以作為未來新聞網站互動性設計之參考。 就理論層面而言,「互動性」概念主要建構在「媒體」與「使用者」兩個主要面向上。從「媒體」角度,強調媒體必須提供使用者更多選擇權;對於使用者的行為,也必須即時加以回應。從「使用者」角度,則強調了使用者必須具有自主控制能力,甚至可以轉換角色成為傳播者,即時參與修改增加媒介的形式與內容。同時藉由兩者之間傳送訊息互相因應,期能在中介式的傳播過程中,締造趨近人際傳播的效果。 在互動性功能的建構上,本研究統整了七大類23項新聞網站的互動性功能,對台灣新聞網站互動性功能建置情形進行評估,研究結果得知,台灣多數的新聞網站互動性功能尚不夠多元,在互動性意涵的實踐上僅有部分基本面向的落實,仍有很大的改進空間。 在「聯合新聞網」互動性功能使用者的描繪上,受試的新聞網站讀者以高教育程度的年輕男性為主力讀者群。在互動性功能的使用上,受試讀者一方面重視「互動性感知」,但卻又多傾向於以接受者的角色與新聞網站進行互動,此間的矛盾轉折原因可能與目前新聞網站互動性設計並未完全切合使用者所用,因此導致使用者使用互動性功能的意願不高。 由於國內新聞網站發展仍處於摸索階段,因此新聞網站與使用者之間必須再經歷彼此互動學習適應階段,待使用者養成互動性功能的使用習慣,新聞網站本身也不斷揣摩使用者的口味,知曉使用者的需求,才能提供更多切合讀者所用的互動性功能。
This study provided an overview on the interactivity in online news sites. It discussed the following three parts: interactivity concept, interactivity functions, and user perceptions. After reviewing relevant literature, the study concluded 23 indicators of interactivity for online news sites, and then these indicators were used to evaluate 23 selected online news sites in Taiwan. For further discussion, this paper then drew on one of the Taiwan’s popular online news sites “United Daily News” for case study. By conducting Internet survey to the users of “United Daily News”, the relationship between users’ perception of “interactivity” and their behaviors were explored. The concept of “interactivity” was based on two main dimensions: ”media” and “users.” The media dimension emphasizes the complexity of users’ choices and media’s ability to respond to user’s communication needs. The user dimension emphasizes the power of users to control over the communication process. It also emphasizes the ability of users to exchange roles from receivers to communicators, who thus are able to modify the form and content of a mediated environment in real time. Therefore, the mediated communication would almost practice as human communication. When evaluating the interactivity of online news sites in Taiwan, the result indicated that most online news sites did not provide many interactive functions. Therefore, the concept of “interactivity” was not fulfilled, and these sites still had much space for improvement. In the description of users of “United Daily News”, the result showed that the main audience were young and high-educated males. These users seemed to respect for the ability of perceived interaction, however, they did not use provided interactive functions and preferred being passive. This conflict may be caused by the lack of proper interactive functions they needed; therefore, users did not want to use the existing interactive functions. The development of online news sites in Taiwan is still on its initial stage. The users and the online news sites both need to experience the learning and adaptive process. Until the audiences get used to the interactive functions, and the sites understand what users really want, the news sites will provide more interactive functions to fit users’ needs.