Title: 視覺化音樂編輯系統的設計與實作
The Design and Implementation of a Visualized Music Authoring System
Authors: 戴文琴
Wen-Chin, Tai
Deng-Jyi Chen
Keywords: 音樂;編輯系統;多媒體;Music;Authoring system;Multimedia
Issue Date: 1999
Abstract: 我們生活中充滿了各式各樣的聲音,而面對多媒體設備的普及以及現在人們對聲音控制的需求增加,一個能夠讓任何人隨心所欲地製作屬於自己音樂的工具是相當有潛力的,再加上現今電腦運算速度越來越快,更有利於對聲音編輯的發展。 而目前市面上的音樂編輯軟體是只能編輯MIDI或Wave,所以我們發展了一個視覺化的音樂編輯系統,可以同時編輯MIDI及Wave,來使得一般的使用者也能夠輕鬆地學習及使用,製作出他們想要的音樂。
Variety of sounds are everywhere in our daily life. With the popularity of multimedia devices, the faster computing power and the available of larger storage space, a music authoring tool that allow users to easily mix various sound effects with music together as a new music or sound effect is demanded. Yet, so far, the sound authoring software focus on either MIDI or Wave format. Therefore, we developed a visualized music authoring system that can author MIDI and Wave at the same time. By using this system, users can learn and implement the music easily and create any kind of music they want.
Appears in Collections:Thesis