Title: 深次微米技術下之連線最佳化
Interconnect Optimization for the Deep Submicron Technology
Authors: 潘頌睿
Song-Ra Pan
Yao-Wen Chang
Keywords: 上凹函數;傳導線;深次微米技術;改變導線寬度;移動導線位置;改變邏輯閘大小;Convex function;Unimodality;Wire Sizing;Wire Perturbation;Transmission Line Model;Deep Submicron Technology;Buffer Sizing
Issue Date: 1999
Abstract: 在深次微米技術下,晶片尺寸的增加導致導線 (interconnect) 的長度日益增長,
同時邏輯閘 (gate) 和邏輯閘之間以及導線和導線之間的距離也越來越接近。此
趨勢導致傳輸線 (transmission line) 以及交談雜訊 (crosstalk) 的效應日益重要。
(1)如何在傳輸線的模型下(transmission line model)進行效能最佳化的問題,
以及(2)在 Elmore 時間延遲模型(Elmore Delay Model) 下,在滿足交談雜訊的
· 傳輸線模型下效能最佳化問題:
導線路徑上的時間延遲函數是導線寬度或是邏輯閘尺寸的上凹函數 (convex function),
這種函數函數中,一個區域的最佳解 (local optimum) 就等於是全域的最佳解 (global optimum)。
同時由於這種向上凹的特性 (convexity),我們可以應用快速的搜尋演算法
如梯度搜尋演算法 (the gradient search procedure) 去計算時間延遲最佳化的
· Elmore 時間延遲模型下,在滿足交談雜訊限制下之效能最佳化的問題:
在滿足交談雜訊限制下,我們利用改變導線寬度 (wire sizing) 以及移動導線
位置 (wire perturbation) 的技術,來進行繞線延遲最佳化。此一演算法可以應
統合改變導線寬度以及移動導線位置的技術具有 unimodality 的特性,此特性
的導線寬度以及導線的位置。針對 0.18 mm 以及 0.25 mm 這兩個製程技術的
實驗結果顯示,我們的演算法可以分別的達到平均44.5% 及44.2% 的延遲時間
的改進。我們並提出一套有效率的部分更動的技巧 (incremental update) 來提升
In the very deep sub-micron technology,
the lengths of interconnects are getting longer and devices are packed in ever-closer proximity.
This trend makes the transmission line and crosstalk effects very significant.
In this thesis, we consider the two interconnect optimization problems
which arise from the very deep submicrion technology: performance
optimization in the transmission line model and crosstalk-constrained
performance optimization under the Elmore delay model.
· Performance optimization in the transmission line model:
As chip size increases and signal wavelengths approach wire lengths,
transmission line properties of on-chip interconnections are getting
more important in determining circuit performance.
We present in this thesis formulas for
optimizing delay by simultaneously sizing wires and buffers under
the transmission line model.
We show that the delay of a circuit path is a convex function of
wire/buffer sizes, implying that a local optimum is equal to the
global optimum.
Due to the convexity, we can apply any efficient search algorithm
such as the well-known gradient
search procedure to compute the global optimal solution.
Experimental results show the effectiveness of
simultaneous wire and buffer sizing under
the transmission line model.
· Crosstalk-constrained performance optimization under the Elmore delay model:
We also propose a unified wire sizing and perturbation
algorithm for crosstalk-constrained performance optimization that is
applicable to general routing structures.
Our algorithm is based on a two-stage iterative technique: we first
perturb all wire segments to the positions with the
minimum delay, subject to the crosstalk constraint, and then we
adjust the wire sizes to further optimize delay
under crosstalk and area constraints.
The unified wire sizing and perturbation
technique has the property of unimodality,
implying that there is a unique position resulting in
the optimal delay and crosstalk.
Applying these properties can dramatically reduce
the search space and thus lead to a very efficient method
to locate the best wire position
and to determine the optimal wire size.
Experimental results show that our algorithm can achieve
average improvements of 44.5% and 40.2% in delay
without sacrificing area and crosstalk
for the 0.18 $\mu m$ and 0.25 $\mu m$ process technologies,
Further, we develop an effective incremental update technique
that can substantially speed up the runtime.
Empirically, this technique can reduce runtime by 10 times.
Appears in Collections:Thesis