標題: 實作以電子仲介者為導向的多維交易分析系統
An Implementation of Multidimensional Transaction Analysis Systems for E-Brokers
作者: 吳勉輝
Wu Mien-Hui
Dr. Duen-Ren Liu
關鍵字: 線上分析處理;電子仲介者;資料倉儲;OLAP;E-Broker;Data Warehouse
公開日期: 1999
摘要: 由於資訊科技的快速進展,網際網路的盛行,透過電子仲介者進行Internet購物已經成為一股趨勢和潮流。在以電子仲介者為基礎的虛擬商場,如何有效的分析交易資料,提供各商場參與者所需的資訊服務,是電子仲介者成功的關鍵因素。 本研究主要在探討電子仲介者如何依據線上交易的過程中所取得之的資料,進一步分析消費者、商家、供應商與仲介者本身不同的資訊需求,透過資料倉儲與線上分析處理的技術與架構,建立一個能夠快速提供分析資訊給商場參與者的資訊分析系統,並將其與網際網路連結,讓各參與者能夠依照其所需要的資訊,進行多維資訊分析。
As Internet has deeply changed our life, many new types of buying behavior increase. Conducting Internet shopping via e-broker has become an enormous trend. The participants in e-broker centered virtual market may have different information needs. One of the critical success factors of e-brokers is to provide various information services satisfying participant needs, with effective analysis of on-line transaction data. The main objective of this study is to analyze various needs of information from different perspectives of customers, suppliers, stores, and e-brokers. Based on the analysis, this work applies data warehouse and OLAP technology to develop a multidimensional transaction analysis system. The system is Web-based and flexible for participants in conducting multidimensional analysis to suit their needs.
Appears in Collections:Thesis