Title: 專家設計師搜尋策略之設計思考研究
A study of expert designer's searching strategy in design thinking
Authors: 陳政祺
Cheng-Chi Chen
Yu-Tung Liu
Keywords: 設計思考;口語分析;問題解決;前推式策略;倒推式策略;design thinking;protocol analysis;problem-solving;working-forward strategy;working-backward strategy
Issue Date: 1999
Abstract: 設計問題處理的行為是人類在思考行為中是深層而且高度複雜的表現,此種行為經由記憶系統的運作與決策處理的過程,在心智與認知上展現了人類對於訊息處理的複雜能力;另外,設計這種有目的性的運用智慧改變或創造新事物的行為,如同人類的問題解決行為,可經由學習的累積,在設計問題的處理上發展出更快速有效的問題解決模式,而這些設計策略的應用也正反應設計師對設計問題的不同解決能力。以往這些被視為難以解釋的設計行為,現正透過認知科學領域的各項相關研究逐步的打開這個神秘的人類思考「黑箱」,同時也使得設計師對設計問題處理的各種策略被逐步釐清,這樣的發展,使得透過過搜尋理論模型,來發掘設計活動過程中的現象成為可能。
The behavior of how to deal with problems of design is supposed to be high-context and absolutely complicated expression. Since this method is through memory-system exercising and decision-making, it displays human's complicated ability of information handling acknowledgeably and mentally. On the other hand, the case of designing these objective ways by exercising intelligence to create is just the same as human's problem-solving--via large amounts of learning to develop fast and efficient problem-solving models. And often the application of these design strategies can reflect designer's ability to solve different design problem. In the past, those viewed as unexplainable behaviors of design are gradually revealed by lots of related researches and also the mysterious "Black box" is studied through cognition-science sphere. At the same time, designers have much clearer mind toward different strategies of problem-solving. Such a development makes "via searching theory model to excavate the
phenomenon during the activity" possible.
During processing of design, expert designers perform great efficiency and completion. However, in the past, some studies show that expert designers' viewpoints may differ in searching strategy; that is expert designers tend to use working-forward or working-backward searching strategies.
Therefore, this study focuses on the process while expert designers are designing activities. They start to probe into the completion of designing problem-solving and efficiency while real practicing. On experiment, first adopt the case of industrial design which starts from protocol analysis to proceed cognition studies . Then bring the result from the cognition experiment into artificial intelligence sphere to discuss, which means through computer simulated experiment, we expect to bring the search strategies of expert designers into computerizing to consider the abilities of computers managing complicated problems. Meanwhile, input those common reverse mechanism. Besides, because cognitive science and artificial intelligence verifying for each other, we find out that a good problem-designing frame can lay a firm foundation in future designing. And as for design problem-solving, expert designers tend to choose working-forward strategy to search the possibility of design problem-solving. At last, the sequence of problem-solving are highly related with the critical causes and the
target of the design.
Appears in Collections:Thesis