標題: 技術創業型態與經營策略之實證研究與賽局分析
An Empirical Study on the Patterns and Strategies of High Tech Start-Ups with Game Theory Aspects
作者: 楊維鈞
Wei-Chun Yang
Shang-Jyh Liu
關鍵字: 技術創業;經營策略;賽局理論;交易成本;High Tech Start-Ups;Strategies;Game Theory;Transaction cost
公開日期: 1999
摘要: 本研究提出技術創業之經營策略,並利用環境、組織、策略三大經營構面,探討現今國家總體環境對創業之影響、技術創業之環境特性與競爭要素及新創企業之核心能力與進行之價值活動。本研究並利用交易成本理論與賽局理論,彙整出創業歷程中之交易成本議題,並以賽局模型思考觀點,分析技術創業的經營策略。此外,本研究亦運用創業之初團隊的組合與資源特性,將技術創業分為五大型態:本業轉投資、異業轉投資、專業創業、獨立創業及先鋒拓荒者,並尋找適合的研究案例,進行經營策略分析。 從總體環境對創業之分析結果發現,總體經濟、政治與法律、社會與技術等構面,對技術創業產生有利與不利的影響。根據這些總體環境的影響,進而分析新創企業所處的產業環境對創業歷程之影響。本研究應用交易成本理論,分析創業歷程中常見的交易成本議題,如新創企業之代理問題、投資契約的效能、董事會與投資後管理、外部力量的影響、跨越鴻溝經營問題。並根據上述議題,以賽局理論模型,提出解決的機制與因應的競爭要素。在新創企業的創業歷程中,本研究根據實證研究歸納出新創企業所應具備之核心能力以及相匹配實施的企業價值活動,這些價值活動可歸納為產品/技術開發、創業團隊互動、董事會結構、財務管理與資訊網路等五大構面。 最後,本研究根據實證研究及賽局理論觀點,將企業價值活動與產業競爭要素相互匹配與選擇後,提出包括企業價值活動之重整、創業平台之建立、競合關係之運用等三大評估構面的技術創業之經營策略。
This paper addresses the business strategies of high tech start-ups. It applies an strategic analysis model, which consists of three dimensions; industrial environment, organizational activities and co-opetition strategy. An empirical study is constructed to explore the impacts of national macro-environment to industrial environment, business competitive factors, core competencies and value activities of new ventures. This research establishes five patterns of high tech start-ups: the related diversified investment, the unrelated diversified investment, the specialized entrepreneurial group, the independent entrepreneurial group and the pioneering venture. The applied model herein considers several aspects to assess the impact of start-ups, which leads to the formation of various strategic patterns. This article incorporates several economic and managerial theories to conduct the evaluation criteria on the studied cases. This study also explores the core competencies and value activities of a start-up enterprise. Strategic approaches are proposed on the bases of the game theory. These approaches mainly consist of three scopes: the value activities restructuring, the formation of start-up platform and the co-opetition relations.
Appears in Collections:Thesis