Title: 台灣SIP Mall交易模式及經營策略
A Game Theory Approach on Business Model and Strategies
Authors: 陳嘉慧
Chen Chia Huei
Keywords: 賽局理論;技術交易;SIP Mall;競爭策略;Game theory;Technology transaction;SIP Mall;Competition strategy
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 在知識經濟的時代,企業的經營策略,在於資源的最佳組合。組織內單純各部門利益的堆積,不再適用於跨國企業的營運,惟有透過知識的複製、創造知識經濟報酬的遞增效果,將公司的發展管理能力鎖定在技術創新,充份運用外援,透過技術交易的平台(IP MALL),迅速取得最適技術資訊,讓產品即時上市(Time to Market),企業必能到最大的投資回報。
本研究的目的在針對交易平台互動模式,深入探索與交易阻礙因素,提出SIP交易平台可行運作模式之建議。觀察形成商品化之過程及其交易平台建置機制、授權策略及經營模式。本研究以賽局模式個案分析世界主要技術交易平台的模式,及其經營策略,進而分析台灣特殊時空背景下,因應半導體產業之矽智財(SIP)商品,形成SIP Mall之重要影響因素與策略架構,評估台灣的技術交易商在建立SIP Mall歷程中的參考與評估準則,並建議具效率流通SIP之方法。現行技術交易平台成功的重要關鍵,是將所創造的知識重複利用,並提高創新附加價值的方法。而技術價值的評估基礎可依技術創新競爭力、技術支援與風險、技術實用性及技術引用能力、技術等級及產品定位結構之四項作為技術交易時的評估基礎。
研究結果顯示,我國SIP MALL之競爭除了授權模式外,仍存在著技術整合、模擬驗證、資訊揭露及合約簽定等交易瓶頸待解決,而總體環對台灣SIP技術交易平台產業,SIP供應商的主要關鍵成功因素包括「利基市場的選擇」、「技術研發能力」以及「軟體系統的支援」三項。台灣的IDM、設計、系統廠,應取得目前台灣市佔有率高的系統規格制定主導權,以下游推動上游的創新設計,將系統廠Know How透過SoC規格的方式,跟IC供應商合縱連橫發展SoC。而SIP交易平台則必須在SIP的認證、鑑價及智慧財產權的制度下設計良善的運作管理機制,以大陸廣大的內需市場為基礎,培養我進入高障礙SIP的領域。
In the knowledge era, the system on a chip (SOC) technology plays a revolutionary role for the information and semiconductor industries. An IC enterprise can earn the most profitable return on investment through knowledge reuse, technology innovation, out souring and access to the technology IP MALL. The IP Mall facilitates a platform to access pertinent technology information rapidly and shorten the time to market of products effectively.
This research will find out the interactivities, operation, productivity and business model of SIP MALL. This research employs Game Theory to analyze the leading IP trading platforms and their business strategy. It also analyze the functions and performance of Taiwan’s SIP Mall and pertinent products. The key successful factors of an IP MALL are to reuse the created knowledge and to enhance the added value of creation. The valuation of technology can be based on four factors: Technology innovation competition, Supporting / risk, Technology-practicality / quoted-capability and Technology-grade / product-position structure.
This research shows that the competitiveness of the SIP MALL in Taiwan depends not only on the licensing model but also on technology integration, simulation & verification, the information disclosure, and contract service. The key success factors include three parts: Niche market selection, core technology development and the software system supporting. The business value chains in Taiwan such as IDM, IC design house and the system factory should take the lead in the specification of system standards in where Taiwan’s industry has high market share, thus the SIP Mall may serve the purposes ofleveraging the system know how and successfully delivering the SOC products. To improve the SIP MALL operation, we also need to build up SIP identification, valuation and IPR management systems. In the meantime, it is also crucial to take advantage of emerging markets in China, as well as to create the territories of Star IP with killer applications.
Appears in Collections:Thesis