標題: 中低強度自充填混凝土研發及工程性質研究
Research and Development of Ordinary Self-Compacting Concrete and Its Engineering Properties
作者: 江堅銘
Jen-Ming Jan
Wen-Chen Jau
關鍵字: 自充填混凝土;配比設計、拌和順序;柏松比、充填性能;楊氏係數;握裹;潛變;乾縮;拌和時間;Self-compacting concrete, mixing procedure, powder, aggregate, mix proportions, shrinkage, creep, bond strength, E, n.
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 本研究於規劃試驗時,以生產3000∼6000psi之SCC第一階段試驗,第二階段則測試SCC之長期服務性質以作為回饋設計,第三階段乃利用所得之試驗數據進行配比技術改進,以求得較經濟之SCC配比。 研究結果顯示: 01、添加適量的石灰石粉,可在高水膠比下保持自充填能力。 02、將飛灰、爐石、石灰石粉以3.5:2.1:4.4及3.5:6.5:0之比例混合為二種礦物摻料,可產製強度210∼420kgf/cm2之SCC。 03、R2充填等級之SCC可以Vg=0.28∼0.32m3/m3 (G/Glim=0.5∼0.54)為粗粒料用量之上下限。 04、粗粒料用量影響彈性模數及乾縮、潛變,訂定規範時應詳加需充填性及結構用途,不宜追求過高之充填性而過分降低粗粒料用量。 05、卜作嵐材料造成晚期強度適度提高,無損於結構安全。 06、SCC之彈性模數約為ACI公式建議值之70%∼80%,隨粗粒料用量降低而下降,其值約為10500 ∼12000 kgf/cm2。 07、就台灣地區75%之相對溼度而言,SCC承受靜載重之180天潛變約為900×10-6∼1500×10-6,若應用於樓高30公尺之結構物,其變形量約為2.7∼4.5cm,應特別注意。 08、中低強度SCC之Poisson’s ratio值約介於0.12∼0.18間。 09、試驗所得之SCC握裹能力與ACI建議之OBJ公式相近,設計發展長度時,適用ldb= cm之公式。 10、量產時,SCC之拌和時間可縮短至1分鐘,但須適當控制化學摻料添加量。
The main Purpose of this study is to produce 3000~6000psi SCC and investigate its engineering properties to determine parameters for design. An improvement on the mix design is made based on the economy and mechanical behaviors. The result shows: 1.the self-compacting capability can be maintained at high W/B when suitable amount limestone powder(LP) is added. 2.3000~6000psi SCC can be achieved with the addition of a blend of FA:Slag:LP=3.5:2.1:4.4 and 3.5:6.5:0. 3.the range of coarse aggregate quantity limit is Vg=0.28~0.32m3/m3 for R2 class SCC. 4.The quantity of coarse aggregate effects the E, Shrinkage, and creep. 5.The use of pozzollans will increase the late strength of SCC. 6. The E value of SCC is about 70~80% of the value ACI equation suggests. 7.The during creep of SCC is 900~1500×10-6 when the condition of RH=75%, temperature 25~35℃, and duration of 6 month. 8.The range of poisons ratio for the SCC is from 0.12~0.18. 9.The bond is close to ACI equation. 10.The mixing time for SCC mass production is about 1 min.
Appears in Collections:Thesis