標題: 現場流程資料模式的構建與應用 --- 以半導體封裝業在製品管制系統為例
Developing a Data Model of Shop Floor Manufacturing Flow --- IC Packaging WIP System
作者: 林龍欽
Long-Chin Lin
Dr. Rong-Kwei Li
關鍵字: 現場產品生產流程 (現場流程);現場管理資訊系統;製造執行系統;製造料表;在製品管制系統;Shop floor manufacturing flow;Shop floor information system;Manufacturing execution system;Bill of manufacture;WIP system
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 在快速反應客戶需求的製造環境下,業者在現場管理上更迫切須要及時有效地掌握現場的各種生產動態資訊以提昇生產效率。此種生產環境在現場管理上所面臨的重要課題是客戶化的產品生產流程,也就是說每一種產品生產流程所須的現場生產資訊與決策必須隨著客戶產品而變化,使得現場管理益形複雜。因此須有一套系統提供業者:(1) 在生產前可以設定產品生產流程所須的現場生產資訊與決策;(2) 現場生產時能夠按照先前設定的產品生產流程,將製造過程所產生的數據加以收集分析,以便及時有效掌握生產動態資訊;(3) 能夠快速調整產品生產流程以滿足經常變動的客戶產品需求與製造現場的變化;(4) 儘量讓使用者不必考慮程式技術就能上線與維護,以縮短系統導入時間與降低成本負擔。 本論文針對上述需求:(1) 提出以IDEF1X方法構建作業為中心的現場流程資料模式 (Shop Floor Manufacturing Flow Data Model),藉由:(a) 具早期標準化 (Early Standardization) 與可再用性的作業樣板站、基本製程,產品製程,事先歸納現場資料搜集、監控生產流程進行所需的生產資料與決策,內容包括物料、設備、作業特性、法則等;(b) 具晚期客戶化 (Late Customization) 的工單製程,在工單覆核時,根據客戶對產品的特殊要求,重新指定所須現場生產資料與決策,來達成可以彈性定義產品生產流程所需的現場生產資料與決策;(2) 提出以此資料模式配合在製品執行模組構成在製品管制系統 (WIP System),用來監控現場生產流程的進行,以便及時掌握現場各種生產動態資訊;(3) 討論以此資料模式為基礎並結合現代電腦科技所發展的工研院機械所在製品管制系統共同基架 (The WIP Enabler) 之實作內容。本系統提供封裝業一個很容易設定與調整產品生產流程各種生產資料與決策的工具,以解決個別封裝廠在現場生產之各種可能不同作業方式;(4) 對應 (Mapping) 分析,說明使用者以IDEF0方法描述的產品生產流程,如何對應至在製品管制系統共同基架的作業樣板站、基本製程作業站、基本製程、產品製程、工單製程等,以縮短系統的導入時間。
In order to meet the quick response requirement from customer, the manufacturer imperatively needs a shop floor information system to monitor the production dynamics to improve the productivity and efficiency. The most important task of the system is to provide user to perform customized a shop floor manufacturing flow. It means the product related manufacturing information and decision rules must be flexibly adjusted according to the different customers. Therefore, a shop floor information system needs to possess following criteria: (1) Users are able to set up the required shop floor information and decision rules for a shop floor manufacturing flow before production. (2) The system will collect and analyze the shop floor data according to the preset shop floor manufacturing flow. (3) One can easily adjust the flow in a speedy manner to fit the ever changing product and environment needs. (4) The user can implement and maintain the system with litter (or without any) knowledge of programming skill to reduce the implementation duration and cost. This study presents: (1) An IDEF1X-constructed shop floor manufacturing flow data model, which has the following features: (a) Early standardization and high reusability of operation template, general process, and enhanced bill of manufacture (EBOMfr). Its contents are pre-sum-up manufacturing information and decision rules for data collection and flow monitoring, including material, equipment, special manufacturing criteria, and rules; and (b) Late customization of work-order process. That is to say, one can set up or adjust the manufacturing information and decision rule based on the special customer requirements at the point of order releasing to reflect the flexibility. (2) A WIP (i.e. work-in-process) execution module integrates this data model to monitor and control the product manufacturing flow on the shop floor. (3) An illustrative example, the WIP Enabler, developed by Mechanical Industrial Research Laboratories of Industrial Technology Research Institute, highlights an enabler framework for WIP system to handle different types of manufacturing among IC packaging companies. (4) A mapping analysis between the WIP enabler and IDEF0 modeling methodology for shop floor manufacturing flow can help users to clearly transform the manufacturing flow of IDEF0 to operation template, general process, EBOMfr and work-order process.
Appears in Collections:Thesis