標題: 應用網際網路於輔助公路汽車貨運之車貨配對系統
The Use of Internet in Assisting Vehicles and Goods Matching Ststem of Motor Carriers
作者: 張敏忠
Min-Chung Chang
Dr. Cheng-Min Feng
關鍵字: 汽車貨運業;網際網路;配對;motor carrier;Internet;match
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 由於台灣地區經濟快速成長,國民所得逐年增加,國民消費需求相對地提昇,貨物流通亦日趨頻繁。但傳統的汽車貨運業常受限於資訊流通不便,以致於其貨源資訊取得不易、貨車承載率低落、缺乏回程貨源以致空車返回情況嚴重。此外更因貨物運輸效率不佳而衍生出營運成本浪費、車輛耗損、空氣污染等相關問題。 近年來,網際網路的快速成長是眾人所有目共睹的,由於網際網路無遠弗屆的特性將可突破時間與空間的限制,並提供資訊流通與分享的一個極為便捷的管道。基於此,本研究以網際網路技術為基礎,建立適用台灣地區公路汽車貨運業之網路車貨配對系統。該系統可提供汽車貨運公司(車)與託運人(貨)一個資訊溝通與交流的管道;對汽車貨運公司而言,透過資訊快速、正確、有效的交流,將有助於貨運資訊的取得,進而提昇貨車承載率、改善回程空車等問題。對託運人而言,系統可根據託運人的貨物託運需求而選取合適的汽車貨運公司提供貨物運送服務,藉以達到貨暢其流之運輸目的。 最後,本研究以ASP程式語言搭配VBScript、SQL Server實際開發出一套網路車貨配對系統,並展示該系統之操作過程與執行結果,又以假想案例之測試以驗證系統運作之正確性。
Owing to the advanced development of Taiwan’s economy, national income raises gradually. National consumption is thus enhanced, so do the circulation of goods. However, the inconvenient information flow of traditional motor carriers often lead to difficulty in acquaintance for the trucking information, low truck loadings and deficient goods for return trips. Moreover, the inefficiency of transportation has derived problems such as wastage of operating costs and vehicles, air pollution, etc. The fast grow up of Internet is obvious recently. It breaks time and spacial restrictions, and provides a convenient channel for information flow and sharing. Thus, this research is based on Internet technology to build up an Internet vehicles and goods matching system that fits Taiwan’s motor carriers. That system can provide a communication and exchange channel for trucking companies (trucks) and shippers (goods). For the motor carriers, through fast, accurate and effective information exchanges, the acquaintance of trucking information will be enhanced as a result, so do the truck loading rate. For the shippers, that system can base on shipping demand of shippers to choose its suitable motor carriers to provide service, so as to achieve shipping fluency. At last, this research uses ASP, VBScript and SQL Server to develop an Internet vehicles and goods matching system. It also displays the operating procedures and results and then uses a case study to verify the operating accuracy of that system.