Title: 台南環線高快速公路肇事特性分析與安全改善之研究
A Study on the Traffic Accident Causes & Safety Improvement of Tainan Circuit Expressway
Authors: 吳偉碩
Wei-So Wu
Cherng-chwan Hwang
Keywords: 肇事率
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 台南環線高快速公路通車初期交通事故頻傳,除了造成個人生命財產之嚴重損失外亦增加許多社會成本的支出,如何改善其交通安全並降低其肇事益顯重要。本研究經由肇事記錄資料之蒐集與分析,並利用逐步迴歸分析方法建立一適當之肇事率預測分析模式,針對易肇事地點找出主要的肇事原因並提出有效改善方案供決策者參考。 經由研究結果,可獲致以下主要結論:1. 經由本研究得到之肇事率預測模式判定台南環線易肇事路段應改善的地點有:(1)台南環線與南133平交路口(2)新市交流道加速車道(3)新吉交流道減速車道(4)台南系統交流道東向進入中山高槽化路段和西向由中山高主線轉入台南系統交流道出匝道進入台南環線之加速車道附近 2. 經過分析發現本路段駕駛者在南133平面交叉路口內以闖紅燈、違規左轉、未保持行車安全距離等造成交通事故的比例較高。又於一般交流道以超速失控、未保持行車安全距離及不當的變換車道轉向等造成交通事故的比例較高。此外在快車道內以超速失控、車輛爆胎等造成交通事故的比例較高3. 高快速公路主線與橫越之平面交叉路口之道路等級不宜差距太大,若兩道路等級差異太大時為減少橫越危險性應該以高架或地下化穿越方式通過,才能降低其高肇事率情形4.高速公路與快速公路分界點直接利用交叉路口,因為國內一般用路人守法之觀念不足,往往會超速闖紅燈較不恰當,應該於接近路口前二至三公里前再增設一至二處連動式自動化交控號誌系統,提前告知用路人前方將會出現平交路口,請小心駕駛。
Since its initial launch, Tainan Circuit Expressway has been reported of many traffic accidents. In addition to loss of human lives,large social cost also wasted , making it imperative to improve on the traffic safety and reduce the accident rate. Through accident data collection & analysis, this study employ regression analysis method in building an accident predication model to find out the primary accident causes of high accident location and then develop effective improvement proposal for the relevant policy-makers’ reference. The following conclusions are derived from the results of this study: 1. The accident prone sections on Tainan Circuit Expressway that require design improvement include: (1) junction of Tainan Circuit Expressway and South 133 which recorded high accident rates for running the red light, illegal left turn, not keeping a safe distance; (2) junction of Hsinshih and Hsinchi Expressways which recorded high accident rates for over speeding, not keeping a safety distance and inappropriate lane change; (3) section near Tainan E/W Interchange which recorded high accident rates for over speeding, protective guide rail crashes. 2. The difference in class of highway, expressway and the crossing junctions should not be too great. Where the class are of considerable difference, to reduce the danger of crossing, the two intersecting roadway should be separated in grade to prevent the accident rate. 3. The boundary points of a highway and an expressway should not have at-grade junction, as most pedestrians do not adhere to the relevant law, and often run such red lights that eventually resulted in accidents. If such junction can not be eliminated , additional one or two automatic traffic control signs should be facilitated at 2, 3 kilometers before the junction to remind traffic drivers of approaching a junction.
Appears in Collections:Thesis