標題: 自用小客車定檢週期延長外部影響之研究
The Outside Effection Study of Extend Periodic Motor Vehicle Inspection
作者: 吳哲坤
Che-kun Wu
Tai-Sheng Hwang
關鍵字: 定檢週期;Motor Vehicle Inspection
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 近十年來,隨著經濟成長與車輛製造技術日漸精進,民眾有能力購買性能較好的車輛,交通部於八十九年九月十五日發佈道路交通安全規則第四十四條修正案,將自用小客車定檢週期加以延長,此一變革會成車主疏於保養,引發空氣品質惡化之問題,以及監理單位放鬆對車主之監督造成投機取巧心理之外部負效果。本研究即在此背景下進行自用小客車定檢週期延長外部影響之研究。 本研究在考量自用小客車定檢週期延長之影響主要在於負面影響, 藉由收集臺北市監理處八十八年八月到九十年三月各月資料,分別代表定檢週期延長前與延長後之資料,探討自用小客車定檢週期延長前後所產生之實際影響情形。 因此,經由實際檢驗業務之真實反映,並參酌實際承辦人員及專家學者之建議與配合資料蒐集之可行性後,選取下列四項指標,作為自用小客車定檢週期延長後外部效果之評比。. (1)檢驗週期延長前後之車輛排放廢氣濃度。 (2)檢驗週期延長前後之強制汽車第三人責任險投保率。 (3)檢驗週期延長前後之違反道路交通處罰條例到案率。 (4)檢驗週期延長前後之自用小客車拼裝車輛舉發數。 自用小客車定檢週期延長實施後,真正受此規定變動影響者只有出廠三至五年及六至十年之車輛,其他出廠年期之車輛,並不受此變動之影響;而依台北市列管自用小客車數,受影響車輛只佔全部列管車輛之45.44﹪,因此檢定結果只顯示45.44﹪車輛之影響在全部列管車輛(母體)之出象(Outcome)。若只針對定檢週期延長受影響車輛來看,其外部效果應大於本研究之檢定結果,亦即定檢週期延長後會引起車主怠惰之心理,造成外部負面影響,此為日後再考量類似措施時不可不注意者。
In decades, technology of car man manufacture has been proving faster and economy has been growing. People were willing to perch better quality car. On September 15, 2000, the MTC announce the renew traffic safety NO.44 which extended motor vehicle inspection period. It will leads the sedans owner not taking care of car properly causing air hazards, and also monitoring jobs for its contractors are not handle appropriately as well. The study deliberates the effecting of extend periodic motor vehicle inspections. The object of thesis was search for possible bad changing of consequence and harmful side effect. Data of thesis was collected true cases in The TCMVD on the August 1999 to March 2001. This period information was included the time before the extend periodic motor inspection and after it. Therefore, from the real motor testing case and worker in TCMD, and the experts suggestion, Four issue are selected to judge if extend motor inspection could bring the outside effect or not. (1). To understand vehicles exhaust percentage’ alter between before extend periodic motor vehicle inspection and after it. (2). To discuss compulsory automobile liability insurance law’ alter between before extend periodic motor vehicle inspection and after it. (3). To evaluate traffic rule violators case closing percentage’ alter between extend periodic motor vehicle inspection and after it. (4). To discover illegally changing vehicle’s alter between extend periodic motor vehicle inspection and after it. After declare extend periodic motor vehicle inspection, the only effect was car age between three to five and age between six and ten. Other cars have not been effectualness. In Taipei city, the effect-car occupies 45.44% of total register one. From the result, it seems not demonstrates as well, because the data included all regieste car. . The sample, which has the effect ion, is part of result. Hopefully, last time can be notice about sample selected.
Appears in Collections:Thesis