Title: 電子產業導入RosettaNet之個案研究
A Case Study of Introducing RosettaNet into Electronic Industry
Authors: 吳宗憲
Tsung-Hsuen Wu
楊 千
Chyan Yang
Keywords: 電子商務、RosettaNet;E-commerce, RosettaNet
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 隨著INTERNET快速發展,電子商務的應用也快速興起;在B2B電子商務中企業與企業之間的異質系統資料交換一直是資訊科技面臨的挑戰。隨著主客觀環境的成熟,在美國電子產業大廠的號召推動下,成立了RosettaNet組織,推動企業間資料交換與流程的標準架構,以促進上下游廠商之間的緊密結合,透過資訊科技與標準協定的運用,讓異質系統之間得以順利交換所需資訊。
As the Internet quick developing, applications of E-commerce also quickly prevail. In B2B E-commerce, it is an important issue for information technology to exchange data among heterogeneous enterprise information systems. With information technology maturing, several major American electronic industries call to found the “RosettaNet” organization. The “RosettaNet” pushes a standard architecture of data exchange and procedure among enterprises. By this standard architecture operating, it can improve business information exchange among heterogeneous information systems of upstream and downstream enterprises. Electronic and semi-conductor industries are the major high technology industries in Taiwan. Their manufacture processes have a close relationship to the major international companies. From the Ministry of Economic Affairs, R.O.C. to the major international electronic companies, they strive to push the “RosettaNet” installation and its applications to enhance enterprise’s competition. In this research, several cases of the “RosettaNet” installation were studied. With these case studies, we find the possible issues during the “RosettaNet” installation and analyze them. These issues might be helpful to the enterprises that have the similar requirements.
Appears in Collections:Thesis