Title: 民航駕駛員工作壓力模式之研究—以中華航空公司為例
Development a Job Stress Model with Commercial Pilots — In the Case of China Airlines
Authors: 鄭永安
Cheng Yung-An
William Jen
Keywords: 工作壓力;民航駕駛員;職業壓力指標;job stress;commercial pilots;OSI
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 民航駕駛員之工作乃具有「工作能控制的程度較低」、「責任重大必須對他人的生命負責」及「緊急狀況時決策資源與時間有限」等性質,因此屬於壓力感受較高的職業。本研究回顧有關工作壓力之文獻,發現由於缺乏具體衡量民航駕駛員工作壓力之方法與工具,所以一般性的工作壓力抒解方法,不適用於民航駕駛員此一特殊的職業。而本研究之研究目的在發展民航駕駛員工作壓力模式及量表,俾能找出民航駕駛員感受嚴重之工作壓力源及壓力反應與結果,進而提出適用於民航駕駛員之壓力舒緩方法。 本研究以「壓力來源-調節變項-壓力反應與結果」之理論架構為基礎,並參酌陸洛(1997)所提出之「統整性的工作壓力模式」及訪談結果,研擬出民航駕駛員工作壓力模式,包含了四個部分:1. 背景脈絡變項(人口統計變項、民航駕駛員工作相關背景變項),2. 工作壓力源變項,3. 調節變項(A/B型人格、內/外控傾向與壓力因應策略),4. 壓力反應與結果變項(工作滿意度、心理健康、身體健康)。並依據擬定之民航駕駛員工作壓力模式,發展一中英文合併之民航駕駛員工作壓力量表,以檢定本研究之民航駕駛員工作壓力模式。 量表之發展原則,乃是先考量現有具信度、效度之量表,是否適合直接使用,或需作適當修改後再使用。主要參考的量表為職業壓力指標(Occupational Stress Index,OSI)英文版、OSI中文版及OSI中文精簡版,若現有量表不適用,則採用自行設計的方式。問卷設計的流程依序為「確定問卷之主要變數」、「擬定問卷設計需考量的因素」、「擬定問卷初稿」、「以焦點團體法、深入個人訪談法進行問卷修改」、最後修改成正式問卷。 本研究於民國90年2月1日,以中華航空公司897位駕駛員為施測對象,進行量表的施測,總計回收量表615份,回收率約為68.6%,扣除10份無效問卷後,合計有605份有效樣本。主要的分析結果如下: 一、 經模式檢定結果指出,本研究建構之民航駕駛員工作壓力模式對於分析華航民航駕駛員之工作壓力為合適的模式。 二、 本研究所設計的中英文合併民航駕駛員工作壓力量表,經檢定結果指出具有很好的量表信度、內容效度及概念效度,因此應適合用來衡量民航駕駛員之工作壓力。 三、 本研究共歸納出六個華航之民航駕駛員感受嚴重的工作壓力源(飛行任務之工作負荷過高、工作權的缺乏保障與升等不易、飛行時組員之相處狀況不佳、飛行航線之熟悉度不佳、繁重的會議與訓練課程、不滿意的排班結果或方式),並歸納出各嚴重壓力源感受較強烈的民航駕駛員群組。 四、 本研究發現華航之民航駕駛員,在工作滿意的兩個子構面中,「組織滿意」顯著的低於「工作本身滿意」,其中「本國籍駕駛」及「在華航工作年數5-9年及10年以上兩群」的駕駛員其產生的組織滿意度較低。另外華航之民航駕駛員,「心理健康」狀況顯著的差於「身體健康」,其中以「本國籍駕駛」、「總飛行時數較長」及「在華航工作年數較長」之駕駛員心理健康狀況較差。 五、 本研究提出可以從「有效的消除或改善民航駕駛員感受嚴重的工作壓力源」、「透過調節變項以舒緩工作壓力源對壓力反應與結果之影響」、「減輕或舒緩民航駕駛員所產生之嚴重的壓力反應與結果」三方面來幫助航空公司及民航駕駛員進行工作壓力管理。
The job of a commercial pilot has several characteristics, such as “low job control level”, “high responsibility for passengers’ lives” and “limited decision-making resources and time in an emergency” etc. Therefore, the commercial pilot is viewed as a high stress occupation. Having reviewed the extant literature on job stress, we concluded that due to the lack of specially tailored methods and instruments for assessing job stress of commercial pilots, the proposed strategies for job stress management are too general to be suitable for pilots. We then attempted to develop a model as well as questionnaires to measure commercial pilots’ job stress, and to find out their most serious sources of job stress in order to help them cope better. The present study was based on the conceptual framework of “Sources of job stress – Moderators - Responses to job stress”. After consulting Dr. Lu‘s “Comprehensive model of job stress” and conducting interviews with managers and pilots, we formulated a model of commercial pilots’ job stress, including: 1) Contextual Variables (personal demographics and occupational factors); 2) Sources of Job Stress; 3) Moderators (Type A/B behavior, locus of control and coping stress strategies); 4) Responses to Job Stress (job satisfaction, mental health and physical health). In accordance with the model, we developed a questionnaire battery both in Chinese and English. Two principles guided our questionnaires development. First, adopt or modify available questionnaires of good reliability and validity, such as “Occupational Stress Index (OSI)”, “OSI Chinese edition” and “OSI Chinese Simplification edition”. Second, if the available questionnaires were not suitable, we then devised our own. The process of questionnaires development is in the order of: “constructing major variables of questionnaires”, “setting rules for designing questionnaires”, “devising the initial form”, “revising initial questionnaires with focus groups and interviews”, and “finalizing questionnaires”. The survey was conducted on Feb. 1st, 2001, with 897 pilots from the China Airlines as subjects. The valid sample was 605. Major results are as follows: 1. Results supported the Job Stress Model for pilots from the China Airlines. 2. Questionnaires used had good reliability, content validity and construct validity, and were suitable for measuring pilots’ job stress. 3. Six serious sources of job stress were identified for pilots (high workload of flight tasks, lacking work security and promotion difficulty, poor relationships or negative feelings among flight crews during flight, little experience with flight routes, too many meetings and training courses, unsatisfactory schedule results or scheduling methods). Pilot groups who perceived the highest stress on the above six sources were also identified. 4. We found the pilots’ “satisfaction with the organization” was significantly lower than their “satisfaction with the job itself” in the China Airlines, especially for pilot groups of “ROC nationality” and “seniority in the China Airlines for 5-9 and 10 and above years”. In addition, we also found that pilots’ “mental health” was significantly worse than their “physical health”, especially for pilot groups of “ROC nationality”, “high seniority in the China Airlines” and “longer total flying time”. 5. We suggested three approaches to help airlines and pilots to manage stress, namely, “effectively eliminating or attenuating the pilots’ serious sources of job stress”, “managing moderators to ameliorate the effects of job stress on stress responses”, and “ameliorating pilots’ serious responses to job stress”.
Appears in Collections:Thesis